Part -9

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Two weeks had passed since the kissing incident and they both avoided each other like plague ever since. Domenico didn't ask Ivana to make his coffee anymore. Whenever she asked him something, he usually replied in single word without looking up from his computer screen.

Nothing felt like normal to her.

Possibly, I've got used to his torture, she thought. And now that he was not even sparing her a glance, she felt ridiculously weird.

The last time he said something to her was when he told Ivana to accompany him to a business trip.


Dreading to face him after ten days, Ivana slowly stepped into his office. He was silently reading the newspaper. His little stubble was popping out of his chin and jaw, decorating his face like a pizza topping.

"You're coming with me to a business trip next week."

Not even once he looked up. And Ivana being the idiot in the room kept staring at him, wondering how could a person be so confusing.

He was like a maze which was embroiling her deeper into itself. Everything about him was absonant - his mood, his anger, his affection - everything.

"GET OUT, dammit...!!", he shouted fussed by Ivana's constant staring. She quickly scurried out of his office scared to experience another lash.

~~~ End of flashback ~~~

Finally the day came when they would be heading for the business meet. From what Ivana have been told, it was almost three hours flight journey. She hastily stepped out of the elevator to join him in the car. He had a slaty matte black Mercedes Benz. The interior was much more luxurious than the outside.

Ivana settled herself far away from the devil, not wanting to trigger his anger in any possible way. For once in her life she tried to enjoy being in a luxurious vehicle.

Within half an hour they reached the airport and from there they boarded the plane. The journey was sound as Ivana need not to fulfil his demands.

Upon reaching their destination, she followed him like a lost puppy who is holding onto it's last hope of finding a new dig, where it will feel safe.

He was striding towards the parked vehicle so fast that Ivana was panting heavily, trying to cope with the situation in hand.

But it seemed really hard to match his pace.

"Get in", he said opening the door of a big vehicle, whose name she had no clue of. But, she was sure it was an expensive car. Quickly she settled herself in trying her best not to irk him as she definitely was not ready for his wrath now.

The car stopped in front of the gates of a big mansion, probably fifty times bigger than her own house. It had a beautiful fountain in the middle of the garden, and a stoned path surrounding the fountain for people to walk on.

They started walking towards the front door of the mansion. Domenico was striding as slow as a tortoise. Ivana raised her brows in confusion. Why the hell this boulder of a man walking like a snail, she scrunched her nose.

Suddenly, he gave her an unnoticeable shove intentionally, making her fall on the ground.

Doors of the mansion opened at that very moment and came a classy looking woman in her mid fifties, wearing a beautiful sundress. "Oh my my my...Look who's here darling", she exclaimed.

"And who is this lady kissing your feet young man." She said poking fun at them. The Italian accent prominent in her voice, making her more attractive. But, she had an evil aura. Ivana could sense the negativity in the air.

Domenico incandescing pushed off her shoulder with his own, earning a glare from her and straight away went inside the mansion.

And Ivana being the trapped audience watched the entire scene unfold before her eyes, sitting on the mansion's entrance like an unsheltered cat.

The lady gave her hand for help, assisting Ivana in her struggle to stand up on her feet. "Are you his girlfriend?", the lady asked.

"Oh NO!! Not at all. I'm his employee. And If I would have been his girlfriend, he wouldn't have left me here", Ivana said irritated. The lady looked amused by her teeny-tiny rant.

"Don't ever get involved with him. He's not a good man." She said in a execrating tone and left Ivana to hang out by herself in the unfamiliar premises.

Who are you to be bad-mouthing about him. Ivana wanted to say, but ofcourse didn't say it. Who would want to mess with a rich upper class woman. She had the most evil eyes Ivana had ever seen in her entire existence.

When Ivana ultimately decided on exploring the place myself, she stepped into the big lobby of the mansion which could also be considered as a guest room.

Slowly she made her way onto the stairs which led to a massive hallway that had numbers of rooms on it's either sides. The paintings on the walls of hallway were all of a single person, who ofcourse Ivana didn't had a clue about.

After exploring the first floor she moved towards the second floor. Every door on this part the mansion was locked. Roaming around the corner Ivana finally spotted a room whose door was open.

Her insides felt rebellious at that moment which made her eventually tip-toed to the door and explore the territory.


Came an ear bursting plosion from the room as if something was thrown with full force, making Ivana tremble with fear.


Midnight update for all my readers 😍😍

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