Part - 4

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Ivana had never been a confident girl. Not once in her worst nightmare she had imagined to find herself in a situation like this. Always been a shy girl, confrontation wasn't her cup of tea.

Take a deep breath and open the door, she consoled herself trying to eradicate the fear. But, no amount of encouragement seemed to decrease her fear.

Finally Ivana gathered some courage and knocked on the door with trembling hands.

"Come in", came a smooth yet husky voice from the centre of the room.

Ivana smoothed the non existent creases of her outfit and rubbed her clammy hands on her jeans. She slowly raised her head uncertainly and looked around for the owner of the voice.

There he was, sitting on a black swirling chair, eyes on his laptop and hands gently stroking his neatly combed brown hair.

How can a man have so soft hair?, Ivana asked herself. She had never seen a man with hair like this, but what exactly was the number of men she had met in her entire life. Although she couldn't see his face, yet she knew he was one of those rich men who were born with a silver spoon and golden face ratio.

"YOU !!!" His voice startled her pulling her out of her admiring-phase, making her fall flat on her butt.

"Ouch...." She winced in pain rubbing her butt to soothe it. She had been engrossed in tending her bottom that she didn't notice him moving towards her.

Ivana lifted her head to see his face and instantly recognised him. " You are my boss !!!", she whispered in utter horror.

Mr. Domenico Moretti, her new boss, was the same man she had slapped him in the middle of the road. Later, he forcefully snatched the cat from her the other day although it probably was his.

Out of all the men in this freaking world, why does he had to be my boss, she screaked mentally sensing a build up of a probable headache.

"Look who we have here !!
Ms. Filth graced us with her presence", he mocked Ivana hovering all over her, shadowing her petty stature with his mighty one.

"S-o-o-r-r-y....I'm really sorry for whatever happened that day. I shouldn't have slapped you", Ivana apologized trying to save her job. But he didn't get any of it, instead he squeezed ger arms and said in a threatening voice, "I don't forgive... I punish. And you little-filthy girl will be punished."

There was fire in his eyes, flaming with hatred towards her, and she on the other hand knew couldn't escape it.

"I fucking hate unworthy people like you", he tightly squeezed her arm harder to the point that it became unbearable for Ivana, but she didn't utter a single word.

Tears poured freely from her eyes and for the first time in her life, she didn't try to conceal them from a stranger. She knew it was giving him some sick pleasure, yet she couldn't break the chain of emotions running through her head.

She had been insulted abundantly before, this wasn't the first time. She was used to being hated by people, treated like she wasn't a human. But, his words hit home.

"Now GET OUT. I can't stand your ugliness anymore. And be here at 6 o'clock in the morning tomorrow", with these insulting words he stormed out of the door.

It took Ivana several minutes to calm her ragging breath. With sorrowful look she walked out of his cabin, ashamed for being herself.
Later, she decided to talk to Casey about what happened in his office. Maybe her best friend could give her an advice.


"Casey, I need to talk to you right now."

"What happened ? what's with your sulking face? Is everything alright?", Casey enquired like a mother. Ivana felt good knowing someone in the world genuinely cared about her.

"Can't I just die and end all my miseries..... once and for all", Ivana said in an irritated tone. Her friend raised her eyebrows in confusion.

Ivana soon realised, it wasn't time for such remarks, thus she told her friend whatever happened back in the devil's office and on the street few days back.

Casey's mouth formed into a big 'O'. If Ivana wouldn't have been stuck into such a situation, she might have taken her picture to tease her about it later.

After impatiently waiting for ten minutes, she finally got to hear something from her best friend and it wasn't the best thing she could have said.

A look of shock had marred Casey's features initially, but later it turned into something unexpected.

"Oh my God Iva... You got to see that.... You Lucky girl." She bumped Ivana's shoulder with hers squealing like a hormonal teenager.

"Casey !!! Stop fangirling over him. And for your kind information, he manhandled me. So stop this nonsense of yours, otherwise I'm going." Ivana abruptly stood up not wanting to hear some teenage fantasies of her friend. See the audacity of this girl. Her bestfriend has been nearly mauled by someone and she is calling her lucky to have witnessed his private moments.

Casey might have reacted this way to make the situation less serious for Ivana, but it wasn't helping her. Rather it had put her mind in a frenzy.

Looking at Ivana's disturbed expressions, Casey pulled her back to sit on the chair and started, "Listen babe, worrying won't do you any good. Just go home, take a bath, relax and go to sleep. Come to office tomorrow and see what he wants. Simple."

Finally the wise best friend was back. Maybe she is right, I shouldn't worry too much. Certainly he wants to trouble me, Ivana assumed. Later that day, she went home dreading what the next day will bring in her life.


Walking down the entrance of her house, she picked up few leaves that had landed on their entrance. Lately, her father had reduced his visits home. He only came home twice or thrice a week since two months.

If there would have been anyone else, she would have been happy. But, unfortunately Ivana was blessed with her mom's traits. Hence leaving her father alone wasn't an option.

She twisted the rusted keys into the keyhole. A faint smell of alcohol filled her nostrils. No matter how much she tried to hold, she couldn't hold herself from gagging. It had been almost ten years since her father had started drinking, yet she hadn't got used to the rotten smell of alcohol.

"Money......I n-e-ed money to buy more w-w-hiskey-y-y", her father screamed from the couch; legs sprawled over it. He had an empty bottle of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in another.

Ivana rushed towards him and took the empty bottle away from his grasp. "No more Daddy", she said tried to hold back her tears.

" Who-o are yo-u-u?",he slurred dropping the cigarette on the carpet. Ivana quickly put off the cigarette, yet it had managed to burn a hole on the old carpet.

"I am Ivana Daddy. Your daughter", she said trying to shift him in a more comfortable position.

"Why didn't you die with you Mother!!", he seethed turning his back towards her. Hatred dripped from his each word. It cut Ivana's heart straight from the centre, digging deep inside to make her bleed more.

Letting the tears flow freely, Ivana put a comforter over him and walked upstairs to her room. She knew, no matter how much she tried yet she'll be worthless to him.


Surprise update 😁.

Happy Sunday readers !!!

Thanks ❤️❤️❤️


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