Part -8

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The next day, Ivana entered Moretti Towers wearing a peach off shoulder dress with vans. Not a style statement but she was a girl who loved her comfort. She doesn't dress to impress. She never felt the need to grab someone's attention. It seemed weird to her when people assessed her from head to toe. Why to judge someone from their clothes? Clothes tell nothing about one's heart.

Ivana kicked start off her day in the office with brewing coffee for Domenico making sure it's according to his preference. She knocked on his office door twice before hearing a grumpy 'come in' from the other end.

"Your coffee Sir", she said keeping his coffee on the table. But instead of thanking her he questioned Ivana about her dress. "What the hell are you wearing?"

"Huh?" Bewildered by his sudden fraise, she blurted a silly 'huh' in response.

"I mean, n...n...n...nothing...leave.....Just complete these files by 12."

Few moments ago he was a smart, confident man asking questions; and now he was a stammering mess.

Some bipolar issues he has, Ivana thought.

She silently walked out of his office taking the files with her. That man was someone she didn't want to discover further about. Two days ago he was throwing insults at her and assaulting her; and now he was behaving ridiculously absurd.


2 hours later

Maybe she should handover the file to Sharon to pass it on to him, or maybe she should silently sneak into his office and keep it on his desk.

She was going crazy thinking about the possibilities and excuses to avoid Domenico. None seemed sensible enough to be believed by him

Mustering up the courage, Ivana stepped into his office to find him in a deep conversation with a man - probably in his late twenties or early thirties- whose face she couldn't see from her line of vision.

She took my time to admire Domenico's built which seemed to be her new found hobby. It never gets boring. She had drowned deep enough into her thoughts that she didn't notice when their attention had turned towards her.

"Why are you here Ivana?" Everything seemed to pause for Ivana when Domenico said her name, sitting on his thrown like a king, in his grumpy yet husky voice. Voice that can melt any girl, anytime, anywhere into a puddle of wax.

Hushing up her inner turmoil of newly developed 'hobby' of admiring his every action, Ivana answered, "I brought the files."

"Keep it here and GO!! "

"Hey beautiful!!"

Both the men said at the same exact moment. Now that the other man had gauge her reaction, Ivana noticed that they had similar pair of black eyes. How did she managed to miss the facial structure. Perhaps the man was her boss's brother.

"ALBERTO! Not here...You can't flirt with my staff."

"Chill man. I'm not flirting with your stuff. I mean STAFF", the other dark eyed man said smirking.

"I should go. See-ya man", with that the man left not before winking at Ivana whose name was Alberto that she had discovered between their conversation.

Ivana moved towards the door to make her exit from the room. Suddenly, Domenico came in front of her and within the snap-of-a-finger, pressed her against the door restricting her body to move.

The look on his face was fierce, filled with rage. Ivana couldn't shake the ill the feeling raising like whirlwind in her guts.

Her legs started to shake with fear. She didn't want the archive room incident to repeat.

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