welcome to the Academy

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Third POV:

The league of legends academy, one of the best academy in the nation, and also the most lively one there is. Always known for making the best students, and the biggest scenes.

However, today was a special day in the Academy, because a new student was joining. A yellow bus stopped in front of the school, carrying that student. The gates of the bus opened and the driver looked at the back. "We're here, Kid," the driver said to the one at the back.

"Don't call me Kid," a voice spoke from the back of the bus. What appeared was tall young man with a black and red school uniform. He had a pointy metal hat, a red long scarf that covered some of his face, snow white hair and blue eyes. A great sword was strapped to his back and a brutal knife on his belt. He also had a bag over his shoulder.

Normally, having weapons like those would be absolutely wrong anywhere, but in the League of Legends academy that was pretty normal.

"Yeah, yeah," chuckled the bus driver as the young man got off. "Anyway, goodbye," the driver said before mumbling, "I sure hope you know what you're getting yourself into," to himself before closing the bus doors and driving off.

The young man didn't seem to hear him as he simply started stretching. He felt a little cramped after staying in the bus all the way here. He was honestly excited to start this new school life. Gazing at the Academy, he was about to go in before he heard a ring tone.

(A/N: let's face it, I think we all wanted it to be this one)

Reaching into his pocket, the young man pulled out his phone which had a case shaped like a wolf's head. Answering the phone, the young man said, "Hello, this is Grey Ashnex," introducing himself.

"Hey, little pup," an elderly male voice greeted from the other side of the voice. "so did you make it?"

"Stop calling me that," Grey groaned to the person on the other side of the call. "And yes, I did make it. But, I got to ask, do you know why I was invited to one of the most expensive academies without paying for anything?" he was really suspicious since, one day, he just got an invitation with a traveling ticket that had all expenses paid.

"Well, apparently, your blood parents knew someone in the Academy, and when he heard you were in academic age, he immediately sent you an invitation," the other person explained. Causing Grey to be confused.

"Well that's helpful," Grey sighed. He never knew his birth parents, and he had even less information on who was friends with them. "anyway, I got to find the principal's office, goodbye, dad."

"Goodbye, little pup."

"Stop calling me that!" Grey almost yelled as he hung up. He can swear he heard his dad laughing as he used his childhood nickname. He looked back at the entrance and took a deep breath "Well... here we go."

Walking the stone path that lead to the entrance before walking through the gates and entering the hallway. He was honestly impressed with the size of the hallway and how clean it was. Grey started walking through the hallways, looking for the Headmaster's office, or at least someone to tell him where it was.

However, when Grey turned a corner, he ended up bumping into someone. Since that person was shorter that Grey, he stayed on his feet while they fell on the ground.

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