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Third POV:

Ahri, Ekko, Darius, Grey and Vlad entered the school building.

"So what do you guys have today?" Asked Vlad stopping at his looker.

"I have a class with professor Ryze and then a free period" said Ekko opening his locker.

"I got music class with Mr. Bard, then free period too" said Darius checking some stuff in his locker.

"I'm the same as Darius" said Grey pulling out his books.

"You guys are lucky" Ahri groaned "I have chemistry with Dr. Mundo, then French language with Professor Fiora, who even uses French anymore".

"The people of France?" Grey said.

Ahri slammed her locker's door "Well I'm not from France".

"Calm down, it's not that big of a deal" Grey said trying to help Ahri out.

"Yeah, if anything, you're lucky" said Vlad and then gained a weird smile "I wouldn't mind looking at Professors Fiora for an hour or two".

Ahri rolled her eyes "whatever, let's just get this over with".

Time skip:

Grey and Darius were standing amongst the others in music class.

Mr. Bard stood in front of the class tabbing his stick on the table to keep everyone quiet, he made musical sounds instead of talk but the student can get what he wants.

He barely waved his hand once and that's when the entire class went into chaos.

Grey who for some reason was holding a violin was the only one who didn't do anything yet.

He was immensely annoyed by the very loud noises, he even saw a Yordle with a giant hammer smack it on a drum.

Grey saw that the teacher was getting both annoyed and impatient with the students so he backed away slowly from them knowing it wasn't safe.

His predictions were proven true when Mr. Bard raised his hand and turned everyone but Grey into golden statues.

Grey looked at the other now golden students before asking his teacher "so... are they going to be alright?".

Before Mr. Bard can answer, a knock was heard from the door, the teacher made musical sounds that sounded like a permission to enter.

The door opened to reveal a beautiful woman, she had long blue hair into pigtails, blue eyes and was wearing a dark blue school uniform with a yellow skirt that reached her knees.

She walked up to the teacher looking rather embarrassed, she pulled out a board, wrote down on it and showed it to the Mr. Bard.

Grey was wondering why she was using the board, he saw the teacher nod and give her a piece of paper then he pointed at Grey.

The woman took the paper and nodded, she walked up to Grey and gave it to him.

Grey looked at the paper and it said '''you two are dismissed'''.

Grey just went with it and left with the woman "well... that could have gone better" He said before turning to the woman "anyway, I don't believe we met before, I'm Grey Ashnex, can I get your name miss... ".

The woman smiled and wrote on her board again '''I'm Sona Buvelle, it's a pleasure to meet'''.

"You too" Grey said but then raised an eyebrow "I don't want to sound rude but what's with the board?".

Sona gained a sad smile '''I'm mute so I need it to talk to others'''.

"Oh... I'm sorry that I brought that up" he said with regret but then tried to cheer her up "I can understand sign language if you know it, so you don't need the board".

Sona then gained a more cheerful smile and started motioning with her hands [really? I'm really surprised, how did you learn it?].

"Well..." Grey scratched behind his neck "back in my grade school in Lothric, I had this friend who was also mute so I learned it to understand him".

[Really? That's pretty sweet of you actually] Sona smiled fondly [so you're from out of town, that's good to know, but if you don't mind me asking, why are you covering your face?].

A look of realization appeared on Grey "Oh! Sorry, it's a habit" he then removed his scarf from his face, Sona ended up staring for a couple of seconds but then regained her senses.

[Anyway, would you like to walk around since we're free right now?] Sona asked a hopeful smile on her lips.

"Sure" Grey agreed with a smile "it would give me something to do until lunch time".

Sona smiled happily, she took Grey's hand which made him blush slightly and started walking through the hallways.

Time skip:

Grey and Sona have been hanging out with each other for the entire day, they got to know each other as well as talk about a few things.

They just entered the cafeteria and Grey saw his friends "there they are, Sona those are my friends, do you want to join us for lunch".

Sona glanced at Grey's friends then shook her head with a smile of apology [sorry but I can't, I have to check a few things with Professor Ryze, but I'll see you when I can].

"Alright" Grey nodded "see you later then".

Sona smiled nodding and took her leave, Grey waved his hand and went to join his friends after getting his food.

He sat down besides Vlad and across from Ahri.

Vlad was staring at him wide eyed for a few seconds before grabbing Grey by the shoulder and talking "Dude... that was Sona Buvelle... THE Sona Buvelle... and you were talking to her".

"Uhmm... yeah, I met her after music class" Grey said a little creeped out by Vlad's actions, he heard groaning and saw Darius holding his head in pain "Darius are you ok?".


"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever Darius" Said Vlad quickly and then looked at Grey again "did you get her phone number? CAN you give me her phone number?".

"uhhh, yes for the first question, no for the second one" Grey replied.

"Oh come on dude! She's the hottest girl in school" exclaimed Vlad.

Ahri huffed "well I guess she's cute, but I'm the hottest girl in school" She said with a smug smile.

"No you're not Ahri, I mean she obviously has bigger boo-" Vlad couldn't complete his statement because an apple smashed directly to his face which sent him to the floor with a bleeding nose.

The culprit, who was an enraged Ahri, then glared at Grey who immediately raised his hands in surrender "I-I swear don't care about that kind of stuff! R-really!" He said quickly.

"Good boy" Ahri teased with smug smile then glanced at where Sona was "She's not so special".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like and tell me how you like the story so far.)

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