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Third POV:

Grey, Ahri, Ekko, Darius and Vlad were in the bus going on a field trip.

"So what are we supposed to do again?" Asked Darius.

"We're going to see caves and report what we find in them" replied Ekko.

"How is this a field trip if we have to work?" Asked Ahri.

"It could be worse, it could be my dad who's taking us to a field trip" said Grey.

The others were silent for a few seconds before talking in Union "Agreed".

Time skip:

The students were now standing in front of professor Ryze and the cave entrance was behind them.

"Alright class, before we go in I want you to put on these safety helmets" professor Ryze said holding a yellow helmet with a flashlight like the ones miners use.

Everyone got their helmets but Grey, Ahri got special ones that had holes for her ears.

"Hey Grey, where's your helmet?" Asked Ahri putting on her helmet with her ears popping out of the holes.

"I have a metal hat" Grey replied while adjusting his hat "That's more protective than a plastic helmet".

"Now we will split up in groups, pick your group and travel the cave to find something to write your report" said professor Ryze.

Grey, Ahri, Ekko, Darius and Vlad stayed together as a group and started traveling through the cave.

"So do you guys see anything for our report?" Asked Ekko looking around.

"No" replied Ahri.

"That's because you're looking at your phone" Grey said looking at Ahri.

Ahri rolled her eyes and put her phone in her pocket, she then noticed something "hey why don't we ask that guy?" She pointed at somewhere.

They all looked and saw she was pointing at a bald man, he was wearing a green shirt with brown leather armor on it, he was leaning over a wall with his arms crossed and a smirk on his lips.

"Excuse me sir?" Said Vlad as he and the others walked up to him.

"Oh hello there" the man said in a British accent "what's a bunch of children like you doing here?".

"We're students on a field trip" replied Ekko.

"Well good to meet you, I'm Patches, Honest Patches" Patches introduced himself "now what can I help you with?".

"We're looking for something to put In a report, do you know anything?" Asked Vlad.

Patches hummed in thought before answering "the only thing I can think of is this treasure I found".

"Wait, Treasure! As in gold and jewelry?" Asked Ahri excited.

"Where is it? talk man! talk!" Said Darius impatiently.

"It's right over there" Patches replied pointing at a cliff "just look over that cliff and you'll see it".

They all then walked to the cliff, while walking Grey talked "something is off about this".

"Oh stop being paranoid" scolded Ahri, they then all look over the cliff "hey I don't see any-".

She was cut off when they all were pushed over the cliff, they didn't fall far but still not close.

Patches laughed while looking at them over the cliff "you kids these days, all of you are driven by greed" he then started turning around "You'll never be like me, unbound by worldly wants" and with that he left.

They all stood up groaning and Grey looked at Ahri "so do you still think I'm being paranoid?".

"Shut up" She grumbled but then started looking around "hey... where's Vlad?".

They all realized that Vlad was no longer with them "great, we didn't just get tricked by that jerk we also lost Vlad" said Ekko.

"Well let's start looking for him, hopefully we'll also find something for our report" said Grey which they all agreed on.

They started looking around the cave walking in any path they found.

"There's nothing for our report but a bunch of rooks" groaned Darius.

"And we still haven't found Vlad yet" Ekko added.

"Uhhh... g-guys?" Said Ahri with fear in her voice.

they looked at the same direction she was looking at and found a big shadow with red glowing eyes and seemed to have many wings.

Then suddenly a flock of bats screeched and all of them but Grey screamed in fear.

The shadow vanished and Vlad appeared spreading his arms with bats hanging upside-down from them "hey guys, look what I found" he then looked at their state "what happened?".

Darius was frozen stiff were he was, Ekko was on the ground with a white ghost coming out of his mouth.

Ahri meanwhile was In Grey's arms, the hair on her tails was standing, she was shaking and clinging to Grey for dear life.

"Oh there you are Vlad" Grey said completely unaffected by what happened "I guess those guys are good enough for our report" he said referring to the bats and then looked at Ahri who was still in his arms "you can let go now".

"No! Right now I feel safe and won't let go until I know it's safe to do so" Ahri said as her tails latched on to Grey.

Grey rolled his eyes "Alright, let's find a way out".

Time skip:

Grey, Ahri, Ekko, Darius and Vlad just exited the cave and Ahri was still in Grey's arms.

"Finally!" Darius said.

"There you kids are, I was getting worried" said professor Ryze walking up to them "so did you find something for your report?".

"Yes we did" Grey said then looked at Ahri who was In his arms "we're out of the cave, so let go".

"Hmm, I don't know..." she was obviously making up an excuse "I think I saw a spider on the floor".

"Ok now I know you're lying" deadpanned Grey.

"And how do you know that?" Asked Ahri in defense.

"How can there be any spiders when Elise didn't come to class today" replied Grey.

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, please comment in anyway you like and if you have any requests for chapters please tell me.)

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