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Third POV:

Ahri and Grey were walking together towards the academy from the student's dorm. "So, got anything to do today?" Grey asked.

Ahri shrugged. "I'll figure something out, I heard there's a new student around."

When they got close to the entrance, they saw the students gathered around someone. They both looked at each other confused before going to see what the ruckus was about.

They saw that they were gathering around a guy wearing a dark blue uniform. He was well-built and had brown hair that reached his shoulders. Above his shoulders was also a few floating crystals.

"Hello, everyone," the guy greeted giving a bow. "My name is Taric, and it's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Is that the new student?" "He looks cool." "Those crystals are pretty." "He seems kind." the students mumbled between each other before they all started swarming Taric with greetings and questions.

Grey just shrugged his shoulders, but when he looked beside him, Ahri was glaring. "I'm supposed to be the popular one," she mumbled.

Grey rolled his eyes. "Ahri, calm down. I'm sure that it's just because he's new," he reassured her.

Ahri looked at him before sighing, "Fine, I guess you're right. Let's go." They then both walked to the classroom.

Math Class:

"Mr. Taric," Dr. Hiemerdinger called out. "Would you please come and solve this equation?"

Taric smiled and stood up. He went to the board and started writing before finishing the equation.

"Excellent work, Mr. Taric," Dr. Heimerdinger complimented as he and the rest of the class started clapping and cheering.

The only one that wasn't cheering was Ahri, who was glaring again at the new student. "I could have easily did that."

Grey, who was sitting beside her, doubted her statement but kept it to himself. "Ahri, calm down, they're just being nice to the new guy," he said. Ahri just grumbled and kept glaring.

Hunting Class:

The students were now hunting in the forest together. They were fighting a group of giant crabs.

A group of students was cornered and the crab was about to shoot boiling water at them. But Taric jumped in the way and stopped the shot.

"Come on, everyone!" Taric yelled raising his weapon. "Let's take it down together!" the other students cheered with him.

Ahri, who was supposed to be fighting a crab with Grey, was just standing on the sideline glaring daggers at Taric and gritting her teeth with her tails shaking in anger.

She then a giant thud behind her and looked to see Grey all bruised up on top of the now-dead crab, The one that they were supposed to fight together.

Grey just looked at her deadpan while she chuckled nervously. "Hehe… go, team?" Ahri said raising her hand weakly.

Grey just shook his head and walked away trying to fight the rest of the crabs. Ahri started following him… while trying to blame Taric for what happened.

Art Class:

Students were now inside the art room. In the middle of the room was vase full of roses and the students were painting it.

The Art teacher, a man wearing a beret, a face-shaped mask, and some kind of artist uniform with a cape, is called Jhin.

Jhin was walking behind the students and looking at their art… but none of them met his expectations.

"Urghh, garbage," Jhin said looking at Ekko's painting, which looked a little Sci-Fi.

Ekko slumped down after the teacher's brutal opinion. Jhin then went to Darius' painting, which looked a little Gothic.

"Garbage," Jhin said again unimpressed.

Darius threw his brush on the ground grumbling, "Everyone is a critic," angerly. Jhin walked to Vlad's painting, which was an exact copy of the vase… but it had a bikini-wearing Caitlyn behind it.

Jhin looked at the painting before looking at Vlad. "... To say it's garbage would be a compliment," he harshly said.

Vlad sighed in defeat… before being punched in the face by the real Caitlyn. "Creep," she said.

Jhin passed by Grey but kept going since he wasn't finished. He saw Ahri done with her painting and presented it with a smug smile like she was in an art museum.

The painting was a great art of the vase with a few decorative fox drawings at the edges making it look more beautiful.

Some students were impressed, but Jhin… actually gagged. "That is… just terrible. I wouldn't feed this to my dog," he harshly said before he continued walking.

Ahri just looked at the teacher in disbelief. She then saw him walking towards Taric and smiled thinking he would get the same treatment.

Jhin stopped behind Taric and gasped at his painting. "Now this, this is art!" he said making Ahri's jaw drop.

Taric's painting was a crystallized version of the vase painted with Red as the main color. The other students started congratulating Taric on his work.

Ahri, however, was gritting her teeth while squeezing a tube of paint in her hand… but she squeezed too hard and made it explode on Grey who was beside her.

Grey sighed and started massaging his forehead while Ahri looked at him nervously. "My… hand slipped?"


The students were spread out through the cafeteria. Grey was having launch beside Ahri, who was glaring at Taric as Vlad, Darius, and Ekko sat beside him.

"To be betrayed, by my own friends," She grumbled as a wicked aura covered her.

Grey noticed that Ahri was losing her cool. "Ahri, don't do anything dras-"

Before his warning finished, Ahri jumped to her feet and activated her magic. "Let's see how popular you are after a fox-fire makeover!"

She shot her fire attack at Taric and covered him in a cloud of smoke. After the smoke was gone, Taric turned out to be alright with just his shirt burned and his hair a little messy.

"Oh my, Taric looks hot," "I never knew he had such a body," "he took that attack like it was nothing," Ahri's plan backfired as the students seemed to love him more.

Ahri just stood there in disbelief before yelling in rage and slamming her head on the table.

Grey just sighed and started petting her ears to calm her down. "Hey, would you feel better if I said that you're still the most popular in my eyes?"

Ahri smiled at him. "I would if you buy me ice-cream while doing it."

"Chocolate sundae?" Grey asked.

"You know me so well," Ahri smirked.

(A/N: Thank you for reading this, please comment, review, and give me your thoughts on my story.)

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