The Nurse

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Third POV:

Grey, Ahri, Ekko and Darius were walking around in the schoolyard, it was now recess.

"So where's Vlad?" Asked Ekko tinkering with one of his devices.

"I haven't seen him since he went to the infirmary the other day" Grey said and then saw Vlad walking up to them "Oh there he is, hey Vlad".

"Yeah hey, listen can you punch me in the face?" Vlad asked pointing at himself.

"Wait, what?" Grey was taken back by the request "why would I do that?".

"So I can end up in the infirmary again" Vlad explained.

"Why? I know class is boring but not that boring" Ahri said then gained a thinking look "or is it?".

"No Ahri, it isn't" Grey said then looked at Vlad "please tell it's not like that".

"No, you see there's this cute nurse that works in the infirmary and I want to see her again" Vlad explained with a smile.

"That's it?" Asked Grey "I wouldn't do that no matter how cute she is, and I'm undead for crying out loud".

"Wait, you're Undead!?!" Ekko said turning from his machine.

"Yeah" Grey replied.

"Why didn't you tell us something like that?" Ahri asked.

"Why are you so surprised? Our janitor is undead, plus Vlad is basically a day walking vampire, Ekko walks around with a machine that manipulates time and Ahri is a Vastayan that no one ever saw before" Grey explained, he then turned to Vlad "and Vlad, sorry but I won't do it".

"Urghh fine" Vlad said then turned to Darius "Darius can you punch me in the face?".

"Heh gladly" Darius chuckled then punched Vlad in the face sending him to the ground, he received a look from his friends "what? He was literally asking for it".

Time skip: The next day.

Grey, Ahri, Ekko and Darius were sitting in the cafeteria during lunch time.

"So... you're really undead?" Asked Ahri looking at Grey.

"Yes" Grey answered.

"So you died before?" Asked Ahri again.

"Many times" Grey replied, he then saw Vlad in a really bad state "Old Wolf of Farron! What happened to you Vlad?".

Vlad walked up to them covered on bruises, burns and even a black eye.

"Oh this?" Vlad asked motioning to his wounds "I asked for this".

"Ok forget the nurse, you need a therapist" Grey said.

"You're just jealous, now of you excuse me, I'll be going" Vlad said as he started limping away.

"He really needs help, mental help" Grey muttered.

"Hey Grey, If you're Undead, why don't you go around and start moaning 'brains'?" Ahri asked which received an angry look from Grey "what?".

"Ahri what you just said is so racist that I don't even wanna sit here anymore" Grey got up and started walking away "I'm going to have lunch somewhere else".

"Wait Grey, GREY!" Ahri called bit she was ignored.

"Ahri why would you say that?" Ekko asked.

"Say what?" Ahri asked confused.

"You can't compare an undead to your common zombie, it's like Grey telling you to go back to the jungle because you're just a filthy wild animal" Ekko explained.

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