chemical reaction

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(A/N: this chapter was requested by curiouswatcherNo24, I hope he enjoys it)

Third POV:

Grey woke up in the morning hearing his phone ringing, he picked it up and answered "hello?".

"Hey Bro" a feminine voice said through the phone "how are you?".

"Oh, hi Tiara" Grey said rubbing his eyes "I'm fine, what about you?".

"Same old same old" Tiara replied "how's life in the new school?".

"It's pretty good" Grey said checking his schedule "I made a few friends, got into a little trouble but nothing I couldn't handle".

"That's my brother" Tiara chuckled "so anyway I got a serious question........ did you get a girlfriend yet?".

"Tiara!" Grey yelled embarrassed "why do you keep asking me that? If that's all you wanted to ask then goodbye".

Tiara laughed through the phone "see ya" and with that, she hung up.

Grey sighed "I guess I did meet a few girls, but it's a little early for a girlfriend".

Time skip:

Grey, Ahri and Ekko were sitting in chemistry class.

In front of them was a bald man with a tattered lap coat "okay, I'm Dr. Singed, I'm the other chemistry teacher" he then started writing on the board "now I want you to split up into groups of two, and make these reactions" he then looked at them "I'm going to check something with Janitor Yorick, I want you to be done by the time I get back" he then took his leave but stopped at the door "also, there's going to be an extra student so one group is going to be three people" he then left.

The students started splitting up, Ahri just smirked and looked at her two friends "so which one of you is going to beg to be in my group?" She had a smug smile.

"Uhmm, I actually already picked Ezreal" said Ekko pointed at a blonde haired boy with a brown school uniform.

Ekko left and Ahri turned to Grey while motioning with her hand, Grey rolled his eyes, he knew she wanted him to ask her.

Grey was about to ask but felt someone tapping his shoulder, he looked and saw Sona [hello Grey, want to be partners?].

Grey didn't see a reason to decline "sure".

"Wait what's going on?" Asked Ahri looking between the two.

"Sona asked if I can be her partner" Grey explained.

"And you said yes? Why?" Asked Ahri looking pissed "you're supposed to ask me".

Grey rolled his eyes "Calm down Ahri, the teacher said one group is going to be three so just join us".

"Well... I'm waiting" Ahri said tapping her foot.

Grey sighed "would you please join our group Ahri".

Ahri's smug smile returned "well since you seem so desperate, I guess I can join you".

Ahri can almost hear Grey roll his eyes, they picked a table and started working.

Well... Grey and Sona were working, Ahri just sat there looking bored "are we done yet?".

"Not yet" Grey replied.

Ahri groaned and started looking around for something to do, she saw Ezreal and Ekko doing their project so she decided to see what their up to.

"Easy... easy" said Ekko as he was about to pour some chemicals.

"Hey!" Ahri's sudden appeared caused Ekko to pour more then he should.

the chemical unleashed a lot of smoke that caused the student who was besides Ezreal and Ekko to jump in surprise spilling some chemical on his partner.

The chemicals burned like acid and they jumped "hot! Hot!" He bumbed into the students besides the making them drop their stuff and fall on the ground.

All the victims glared at Ahri who chuckled nervously "ops" She started backing away slowly but ended up bumping into Grey.

Grey spilled all the chemicals into the big container and they started bubbling and glowing, Ahri reacted quickly and hid under a table.

In the courtyard:

Jinx was sleeping peaceful under a tree and besides here were her weapons until.


Jinx immediately shot up and started looking around "my explosion sense is tingling!".

She started moving Fishbones jaws imitating a man's voice "or maybe it's just gas?".

Back in the class:

Ahri stood up from under the table and saw the other students on the ground groaning in pain.

Dr. Singed entered the room and looked around "what happened here?" He asked.

Ahri tried to come up with an excuse "Uhmm... Aliens?" She started scolding herself for the stupid excuse.

"Aliens huh?" Dr. Singed scowled at her but then... "I Told the headmaster we should make this school alien proof, I'm going to talk to him, those damn aliens ruined my class for the last time!" He then smacked the door.

Ahri stood there dumbfounded "that went better than I thought".

Time skip:

Ahri was walking in the cafeteria, but then felt someone tapping her shoulder and looked to see Sona "Oh... hey Sona, sorry about class".

To her surprise, Sona shook her head and brought out her board '''don't worry about it, accidents happen, but I need you to do something for me'''.

"Uhmm, sure why not" She said but looked in surprise as Sona handed her a bucket.

'''I need you to hold on to this for a couple of minutes''' Sona wrote down.

Ahri was confused but still took the bucket "ok... now what?" Ahri then heard a splash of water and a surprised scream.

she looked at the door where the sound came from and after a few seconds Grey appeared completely soaked in water.

Grey looked at Ahri with a hint of betrayal "Ahri why would you do this?!?".

"Wait me?" Ahri was beyond confused "it wasn't me".

"So you just happen to have the same kind of bucket that fell on me and standing in front of the place the bucket was for no reason?" Grey asked.

"I'm holding this for Sona" said Ahri pointing besides her.

Grey looked for a second before turning back to Ahri "last time I checked, Sona wasn't made of air Ahri" he replied.

Ahri raised her eyebrow and looked besides her... to find no one.

To her shock, Sona came in through the cafeteria doors, she looked at Grey in worry and ran up to him.

[Goodness, what happened to you Grey?] She asked as she stood besides him.

"Ahri pulled some dumb prank" Grey said while water was dripping from him.

[We should get you a towel, come on, I'm sure Janitor Yorick has some] Sona said with an innocent smile.

"Thanks Sona" replied Grey.

Grey left with Sona, meanwhile, Ahri was still shocked of the situation.

she felt her phone vibrate and pulled it out to see a massage from an unknown number but it was obvious that it was Sona.


Sona: thanks for falling for that, Idiot 😈.


Ahri's mind finally started processing what happened "did I just got tricked?".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like and if you have any requests for chapters please tell me).

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