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Third POV:

Grey was walking through the hallways after finishing his last class "Urghh finally, now let's find my friends and see what they're up to-".

"Heads up!" He heard someone call out and then Jinx landed in his arms.

"What the? Jinx? What are you doing?" He asked while putting her down.

"Oh nothing" She said while adjusting Fishbones, she then held up a cupcake "want a cupcake?" She asked with an innocent smile.

Grey was a little suspicious but shrugged it off "sure".

He took the Cupcake but before he can even lower his scarf, someone yelled "there you are!".

Grey looked and saw Caitlyn and Vi, Caitlyn had dark long hair, a dark purple school uniform with a big top hat and was holding a sniper rifle.

Vi had neon green hair, a bronze school uniform and was wearing big boxing gloves.

"So you're in on this huh?" Caitlyn said looking at Grey.

Grey looked confused until he heard Jinx's giggles which made him realize that the cupcakes weren't exactly her's.

"Wait! I'm not-" he tried to defend himself but it wasn't working.

"Save it after you get detention" Vi said walking up to them with Caitlyn.

"Run!" Jinx yelled and against his better judgment Grey listened to her.

"Hey!" Vi yelled as she and Caitlyn started following them.

Grey and Jinx started running through the hallways with Vi and Caitlyn following them.

"Looks like they're hot on our tails partner" Jinx said looking over her shoulder while running.

"Don't call me that!" Grey yelled running besides her, he saw Vlad walking and thought of an idea "hey Vlad, sorry to do this".

"What?" Vlad asked but then Grey grabbed him and pushed him in front of Vi and Caitlyn while he and Jinx were Running.

"You think we'll stop for Vlad?" Vi yelled as she and Caitlyn were about to pass Vlad who looked confused.

"He tried to peak on you while you we're changing for Gym class" Grey yelled while running.

Both Vi and Caitlyn stopped immediately and looked at Vlad with killing intent "WHAT!?!" They yelled in Union.

"Grey! Why would you sell me out!" Vlad yelled before Vi and Caitlyn started beating him up.

"You actually did that!?" Grey asked shocked about the fact that his lie turned out to be true.

Grey and Jinx turned a corner and kept running, Jinx looked over her shoulder and saw that Vi and Caitlyn caught up with them "jeez they sure move fast".

She then started moving Fishbones jaws imitating a man's voice "well Vlad isn't so hard to beat up".

Jinx looked and saw Ekko about to pass her and Grey while tinkering with one of his devices.

"Sorry Ekko" Jinx yelled and knocked the device from his hands to the ground while passing by him.

The device started ticking faster and faster while Ekko just groaned "not again" he said before the device exploded hitting him, Caitlyn and Vi.

Grey and Jinx stopped running to catch their breaths "think we lost them?" Grey asked while panting.

Jinx looked and saw Caitlyn and Vi come out of the smoke covered in a little burns and looking pissed.

"Nope" Jinx said as she and Grey started running again "we can't keep running and you know that, right?".

Grey knew she was right, he saw Ghear moving in his wheelchair with his back facing them.

"I'm going to regret this" he mumbled to himself and then yelled on top of his lungs "a beast is on the loose!".

Ghear then jumped out of his wheelchair holding his scythe "Where?" He said looking around.

Grey jumped on the wheelchair while Jinx jumped on his back and grabbed on while laughing like a maniac, Grey looked back "sorry dad!".

Ghear groaned and used his scythe's pole as a walking stick while Vi and Caitlyn passed by him.

"I swear if he didn't get a girlfriend from one of those girls he is grounded for a year" Ghear said.

With Ahri:

Ahri was pacing back and forth inside her dorm room.

"How about 'hey I'm free, we should hang out' no that sounds desperate, how about 'hey you're single, so I'll take you out' no that sounds insulting" She stopped pacing and took a deep breath "you know what, I'll just say it".

She pulled out her phone and called someone, after a few rings they picked up.

"Yeah?" Grey answered through the phone.

"H-hi Grey" She said nervous, she cleared her throat and continued "so listen, how about-".

"Listen Ahri, I would love to talk right now but I can't, so I'll see you later bey" Grey cut her off and hung the phone.

Ahri stood there for a second before releasing a breath "well at least he didn't say no".

With Grey:

Grey just put his phone away while he and Jinx were riding the wheelchair, they looked behind them and saw Vi and Caitlyn following them but there was distance between them.

"I think we're losing them" Grey said, but then the wheelchair slammed into a big cart janitor Yorick was pushing.

They were sent flying through the air and they landed in a puddle of green goo, after they got up the puddle gathered around and took a humanoid shape with yellow eyes.

Grey groaned and looked at the goo "thanks Zac".

"No problem" Zac replied and then walked away.

Jinx fixed her uniform and looked at Grey "let's do that again" She said.

Before Grey can say anything he heard Caitlyn clear her throat and saw her and Vi standing in front of them, in response he just sighed.

Time skip:

Grey and Jinx were sitting in detention, Grey was tapping his finger while Jinx didn't seem to mind.

"Oh come on" Jinx said with her signature smile "you have to admit that was pretty fun".

Grey sighed and shook his head "I don't know what's worse, the fact that you think it was fun" he then smiled under his scarf "or the fact that I agree with you".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, please comment in anyway you like and if you have any requests for chapters please tell me.)

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