Sick Day

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It's a new school day at the League of Legends academy. Grey, Ahri, Vlad, Ekko, and Darius were in the football field with the rest of the class, listening to Ghear explain different ways to track your prey.

Suddenly, Grey noticed something about Ahri. Her cheeks were flushed, her nose was red, she was sweating slightly, sniffing her nose every few seconds, and looked exhausted even though it was their first class.

"Ahri, are you okay?" Grey whispered, hoping that his adoptive father wouldn't notice.

Ahri sniffed her nose. "Yeah, I'm okay," she said before coughing a few times.

Grey was not convinced in the slightest. "Clearly, you are not," he said.

"Maybe you caught a bug?" Ekko suggested, also whispering so that the teacher wouldn't catch them. "It is flu season, after all."

"No, I'm fine," Ahri denied while shaking her head, but then her ears flattened as she grabbed her head. "Urghh, my head is killing me," she complained, which didn't help her earlier statement.

"What's going on there?" Ghear asked as he moved his wheelchair towards where he heard the students talking. "Is there something you would like to share with the rest of the class?" he asked, his tone somewhat disappointed that his own foster son would chat with other students during class.

"I think Ahri is sick, Sir," Grey replied, pointing at said Vastaya.

Ghear looked at Ahri to make sure, and she tried to deny it. "I'm not sick!" she said, but then her nose started to scrunch up. "Ah, Ah, Ah, Achoo!" Ahri sneezed, which caused her to accidentally blow a charm spell.

However, unlike the usual pink heart, the one she blew was dark blue and left a dark trail behind it. Ezreal ended up being the victim and was hit by the charm spell.

Unlike the usual victims of Ahri's charm, who would gain a love-struck look and start walking towards her like mindless puppets, Ezreal ended up being covered by a depressed aura and fell to his knees, crying his eyes out. "Why was I ever born!?" he cried out into the sky.

Everyone turned their looks from the crying teen to Ahri, easily figuring out that her sickness was probably messing up with her emotional magic as well.

Despite what just happened, Ahri smiled weakly. "See? I'm fine," she said, trying to make it sound like she meant to do that.

"Clearly, you are not," Ghear said. Ahri remembered that Grey said the exact same thing and couldn't help but think it was a family thing. "Grey, get her to the infirmary."

"I don't need to go," Ahri complained before coughing a few times. Which, again, didn't help her case.

"Come on," Grey said walking up to her. "Let's just take you to the infirmary," he tried to reason with her.

"I'm fin- hey!" Ahri cried out as Grey suddenly picked her up and slung her over his shoulder. "What are you doing!?" she asked as she herself didn't know if the red on her cheeks was out of heat or embarrassment.

"Taking you to the infirmary," Grey replied as he started walking with her over his shoulder.

"What if I scream 'rape' while we're in the hallway?" Ahri threatened, not wanting to be seen carried like this for the sake of her reputation.

"Then I'll just shave your tails with my knife faster than anyone can actually do anything about what you said," Grey replied which immediately silenced Ahri. She loved her tails and did not want to know how it felt like to be shaved by that brutal dagger.

After Grey walked away with Ahri on his shoulder, Ghear turned to the students." All those who wish they would hook up already, raise your hand," at his order, everyone, even the still crying Ezreal, raised their hand.

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