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Third POV: PA class

Grey, Vlad and Darius were standing in the gym talking to each other.

"I sure hope Coach Trundle takes it easy" said Grey.

"Heh if you ask me, I'm surprised that Coach Trundle can see anything at all with his big nose" chuckled Darius.

Grey immediately ducked avoiding the wave of dodge balls that came in like cannon balls.

When he looked, only him, Darius and Vlad were left standing while the other students were completely destroyed.

Coach Trundle had a ball in his hand and his club in the other while glaring at them, Darius to be specific "don't worry, this will only hurt... A LOT".

Grey immediately rolled away while Darius grabbed Vlad and used him as a shield "come here!".

Once Vlad was in front of Darius, he used magic and turned into a puddle of blood leaving Darius without protection.

Darius was struck with a powerful hit, he was sent to the ground with a lot of blood coming out of his nose.

"It's better to have a big nose then a no nose" coach Trundle stood above the knocked out Darius "Oh and you have detention".

Grey walked up and looked at the puddle of blood that had a small smirking face "since when can you do that?".

Vlad turned back to normal "always, you just never saw me do it".

Chemistry class:

Grey and Ekko were sitting looking at Dr. Singed "Alright class, let's get cocking" he had a maniacal smile.

Dr. Singed grabbed a few chemicals and started mixing them but Ekko noticed something "Uhmm... excuse me".

But he was ignored as Dr. Singed kept mixing chemicals "this is very important, so make sure you do this right".

"Excuse me" Ekko tried again a little louder.

But again, he was ignored "also make sure you have the right amount".

"Excuse me!" Ekko yelled this time which drew the teacher's attention.

"What is it Mr. Ekko? This is very important" said Dr. Singed.

"I think you have the wrong containers" he pointed out.

Dr. Singed rolled his eyes "how can I have the wrong containers" he then pulled out a book "I'm following the instructions precisely".

Grey noticed something about the book "Uhmm, Dr. Singed, I think you're holding that upside-down".

Dr. Singed looked closely at the book "Oh!... you're right" the containers started bubbling and glowing.

Somewhere in the Academy:

Jinx was walking through the hallways going to class when...


Jinx immediately started looking around and then yelled "seriously, who keeps making explosions without telling me!?!".

Back in class:

The class had some smoke and the students were covered in ash while Dr. Singed had some of his clothes torn and burns covered him.

Dr. Singed started shaking in anger before raising both his hands and yelling enraged "ALIEEEEEEEEEEENS!!!".

French class:

Grey and Ahri were sitting besides each other in their seats in the back near the wall.

In front of the class was Professor Fiora, she had black hair tied into a bun with a pink highlight on the front, she was wearing glasses and a teachers uniform.

She was saying words in french and the students were repeating, all but one.

"Ahri can you stop looking at your phone" Grey whispered to her.

"Why? Nothing important is going on" She replied not looking from her phone.

"We're in class, how is that not important?" He asked.

Ahri rolled her eyes "please, who uses French anymore?".

Before Grey can response, five pencils immediately struck the wall all near Ahri's head, two at each side while the last was above right between her fox ears.

Ahri froze in fear, she looked at the teacher who was glaring at her, professor Fiora spoke in a french accent "I advise you to pay attention, you love your ears, no? So it would be a shame if they... vanished" she smirked.

Ahri's ears dropped and she started shaking "y-yes mam".

Professor Fiora then turned to Grey, he immediately held his book looking at it, Professor Fiora smirked and continued class.

Dr. Mundo's class.

Dr. Mundo was standing in front of the class "Alright students, Mundo is about to teach you very important stuff" he then grabbed a Ezreal and then started pressing a book on that Ezreal's head "our first lesson is how to get information into your heads, so start putting information in there" he pressed the book harder.

Vlad was looking at his book but then looked at Grey "so... what page is that?".

"Page?" Grey shrugged his shoulders "he didn't even tell us what book".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, please comment in anyway you like.)

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