Escape Plan

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Third POV:

Today was rather normal for the League of Legends academy. Well, as normal as it gets. Classes were going peacefully for a change.

"Urghh, Classes are so boring," Ahri complained, like usual, as she and the others came out of a classroom.

"We're here to learn Ahri, not have fun," Grey said. Though he himself wouldn't deny that he's pretty bored. "That's what arcades are for. So, why don't we just finish school and go to one?" he suggested knowing about her enthusiasm for Video games.

"But I want to go now!" Ahri said as they walked through the hallway and passed the lockers.

"I got to admit, it's been pretty boring lately," Ekko commented. He didn't even have any of his inventions to tinker with at the moment.

"Yeah, nothing fun is happening." Darius agreed. He actually didn't even feel like bullying anyone.

Suddenly, Ahri stopped. "Hey, I have an idea!" she said causing the others to stop and look at her. Ahri made sure no one was around before leaning towards the others. "What if... We ditch school?"

"What?" Grey honestly thought that he heard her wrong.

"Ditch school. You know, run away?" she explained further.

"You can't be serious," Grey said with a look of disbelief.

"I'm with Ahri on this one," Vlad said raising his arm. "I have coach Trundle's class soon, and that never ends well for me," he said remembering the many times he ended in the infirmary... And had to go to Dr. Shen instead of Nurse Akali.

"I'm always up for breaking the rules," Darius shrugged his shoulders, seeing no problem with going along.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Ekko said, not believing that this would end well.

Ahri smirked. "Don't you have hunting class with professor Ghear soon?" she asked teasingly.

Ekko shivered, remembering how harsh the old hunter can be. "On second thought... I guess ditching class once isn't a bad thing," he said.

"Are you guys really going to do this?" Grey asked, seeing many problems with that idea.

"Come on, what's ditching one day going to do?" Ahri asked crossing her arms. "nothing interesting is going on, and the arcade is crowded after school, so why don't we just go out and have some fun?" she asked.

"Unbelievable," Grey mumbled as he turned around and started walking away, not wanting to hear any more about the subject.

Time skip: (Brought to you by chibi Academy Ahri and chibi Academy Grey studying a book together.)

It was currently lunchtime at the Academy. Grey was sitting with Vlad and Ekko in the cafeteria.

Suddenly, Ahri came in and sat beside them. "Okay, I got everything ready. Some students agreed to join us. Draven and Darius are going to create a distraction while we make a run for it," she explained in a hushed tone.

"You're seriously going through with this?" Grey asked, still not believing what they were planning.

"Of course we are," Ahri replied with a smirk.

Ekko noticed something. "Wait, how did you get Darius and Draven to be the distraction?" he asked, knowing those two don't like to be given secondary roles.

Ahri shrugged her shoulders. "I just told Darius he'd get to punch things, and Draven will pretty much do anything for attention," she said.

"He isn't the only one," Grey whispered to himself giving Ahri a glance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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