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Third POV:

Professors Ryze's class just ended and it was now lunch break, Grey just got his food from the cafeteria and was looking for a place to sit.

"Hey Grey! Over here" he heard someone call for him, when he looked he saw Ahri with three other people on the table.

Grey walked up to them "hey Ahri".

"Hey, why don't you sit with us" She said.

"Are you sure?" He asked a little uncertain.

"Yeah, I mean, did you have a place to sit to begin with?" She asked which made Grey just give up and sit down "so these are my friends, Ekko"

"Hey dude" he said, Ekko was a dark skinned boy with white hair, he was wearing a green school uniform and spectacles, he was tinkering with a green glowing tube like machine.

"Vladimir" Ahri continued.

"Hi, just call me Vlad" said Vladimir, he was very light skinned, also had white hair, like Grey he was wearing a black and red school uniform but he's looked more elegant.

"And Darius" Ahri finished.

"Sub" was his reply, Darius was a big man with black hair, he was wearing a black school uniform with an open shirt, spiked armor and his shoulders

"It's good to meet all of you, like you heard earlier my name is Grey Ashnex" Grey introduced himself.

"So Grey, Are you new to the town too?" Asked Vlad.

"Yeah, I came all the way from Lothric" Grey replied.

"Lothric?" Ekko whistled "That's a long way".

"Yeah... which is how far exactly?" Asked Darius trying to hide the fact that he never heard of that place.

"Coming from Lothric to here is 7 hours by car" Ekko explained.

"It wasn't that bad" Grey shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey why are you covering your face?" Asked Darius motioning to Grey's scarf.

"Oh, sorry, it's a habit" he said as he removed his scarf from his face, Ahri's attention immediately left her phone as she stared at Grey's face.

Ahri was staring for a few seconds before she talked "can we exchange phone numbers".

Grey raised an eyebrow "why?".

Ahri immediately realized what she said and tried to cover it up "y-you know, so we can contact and text each other during class".

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Grey asked.

"Only if the teacher catches you" She replied and then waved her phone "so, what do you say?".

"Uhmm... sure, why not" Grey said, he then pulled out his phone and they began exchanging phone numbers.

Time skip:

Lunch break is over and now everyone was in science class listening to Dr. Heimerdinger's lecture... well almost everyone.

"Jinx!" Dr. Heimerdinger yelled pointing at a short girl, she had blue hair into pigtails with one of them being dyed blonde, the girl jumped and stopped fiddling with a rocket launcher and a gun "you cannot have your weapons in the classroom".

"But what about everyone else?" Jinx asked pointing at the rest of the students.

The students all started protesting saying stuff like "what? Why?" "She's the one who was messing around".

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