The Hunt

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Third POV:

Grey, Ahri, Ekko, Darius and Vlad were standing with the other students near a forest.

"Alright class" said Ghear sitting on his wheelchair in front of the students "today we're going to do a little hunting" he then held up a picture of a giant lizard covered in blue crystals "this is the Ravenous Crystal Lizard, I want you to split in groups and at least hunt one of these down".

"Wait you're just gonna send us after it? But you didn't teach us anything" Vlad said.

"I believe that you learn best from experience" Ghear replied which made the students but Grey start complaining "Oh quit whining, I made Grey do it when he was 12" he said which made the students turn to Grey.

"I can tell you right now that he is not joking" Grey said.

"Wait, for reals!?!" Ahri said.

"Ok that has to be some kind of child abuse, right?" Ekko asked.

"So find your group and get hunting" Ghear said turning around his wheelchair but stopped "Oh and since Grey is experienced, he's going to have only one partner".

Everyone immediately looked at Grey, they all wanted the guy who knew exactly how to do it.

"Hey Grey, I just repaired my equipment, can you make sure it doesn't get destroyed" Ekko said.

"Forget your equipment, I'm the one who's always hurt, Grey ol pal, you wouldn't leave me alone would you?" Said Vlad.

"Pair with me and I won't bully anyone for a whole week" said Darius.

"Amateurs" Ahri scoffed at her friends and then turned to Grey "hey Grey~, you wouldn't leave little ol me against the big bad lizard would you?" She said with a puppy eyes look.

"Uhmm" Grey couldn't response as he backed away from them while raising his hands.

"Oh I forgot to say" Ghear said as he came back "I already picked a partner for Grey, Nidalee!" He called.

"Yes" a girl with dark skin, messy brown hair that went past her shoulders, a dark green school uniform and a small green gem on her forehead stood up while holding a spear.

"You will be partners with Grey, I'll be back in an hour to check on you" he then turned his wheelchair and left again.

The students began whining again and started splitting up to groups, Grey was about go to Nidalee when Ahri grabbed his arm.

"Don't start flirting while I'm not around to watch what you're doing" She said.

Grey rolled his eyes "Ahri, I think you're confusing me with yourself, I don't flirt".

"You better not" She smirked and then went away with her friends.

Meanwhile, Ekko, Darius and Vlad were watching what just happened with the same thought running through their heads "Oh my god! Would those two kiss already".

Grey went and joined Nidalee "you're Nidalee, right?".

"Yes" She nodded "and I guess you're Grey?".

"Yes, so do you want to start?" He asked.

"Better start an early hunt than a late one" She shrugged and started walking towards the forest.

Grey just nodded and followed her, after they entered the forest Nidalee spoke.

"So do you know where we should start?" She asked.

"Well" Grey started thinking for a couple of seconds "since it's a Ravenous Crystal Lizard, we want a place that is big and not far from a source of water, like a lake, river or even a swamp".

"Then I know just the place" Nidalee smirked "come on".

With Ghear:

Ghear was sitting on his wheelchair in a parking lot near the forest where he left the students.

There was only the school bus but then a fancy looking car showed up and parked near it.

Lestara Buvelle came out of the car, walked up to Ghear and sat on a chair besides him.

"Oh Lestara" Ghear said "what a nice surprise, what are you doing here?".

"I just came to check on you're class" She replied "don't you think this is a little harsh".

"Please" Ghear snorted "Grey went through this when he was much younger".

"Please tell you're joking" Lestara almost begged but she just received a serious look which made her sigh "I knew I should have taken him long ago".

"If you did, then you would have tried to hook him up with that daughter of your's" Ghear said.

Lestara glared at him "and what's wrong with my daughter?".

"Lestara, I have fought beasts and monsters of all kinds but I never, ever, saw something that has as much evil in their eyes as much as your daughter" Ghear replied.

Lestara kept glaring at him and then responded "you've finally lost it".

"And you're a fashion victim, so we're even" Ghear replied.

With Grey and Nidalee:

Grey and Nidalee were walking through the forest for a few minutes until they saw a river.

"It should be somewhere here" Grey said looking around until he spotted something "there it is".

Nidalee saw a pile of crystals with something moving in them.

"Alright, let's get it" Nidalee said raising her spear.

"No wait-" She ignored Grey and went straight to the bile of crystals.

But when she got close to it, the Lizard came out and smashed it's front legs making a few crystals blow and stun her.

The lizard swung it's tail and sent Nidalee flying, she ended up being caught by Grey.

"I was gonna say that they can tell when someone is near them" Grey said to Nidalee who just blushed and looked away.

Grey sat her down and pulled out his sword and knife, and dashed forward.

The lizard snapped it's jaws at him but he rolled away and anchored his knife in the ground making him spin and swing his sword.

He struck the lizard and jumped swinging his sword making the lizard recoil.

The lizard then was struck with Nidalee's spear and made it dazed, Grey took the chance and struck his sword.

It was stuck for a second but he pulled it out and swung it again finishing off the lizard.

Nidalee walked up to Grey "well that's over, so what do we do? Do we bring the body as proof or what?" She asked.

"We don't need to do that" Grey walked up to the lizard and pulled out a blueish stone from it "this is a titanium scale, it's enough proof that we did kill it".

Time skip:

Grey and Nidalee were waiting where Ghear left the students, they were waiting there for half an hour when Grey's friends came up.

they were all beaten up, bruised, dirty with mud and even a few torn clothes.

"Uhhh... guys are you ok?" Grey asked concerned for his friends.

"Yeah... we just... ran into some trouble" Ekko replied a little out of breath.

"Hey Grey... you said you hunted that thing down when you were 12?" Ahri asked.

"Yeah" Grey answered, then Ahri, Ekko, Darius and Vlad all walked up to him and hugged him suddenly "Uhmm, what's going on?".

"We just sympathize with you" Darius explained.

Nidalee was barley holding her laughter.

Ekko then left the hug and pulled out his phone "and don't worry, I'm definitely reporting your dad for child abuse".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, please comment in anyway you like and if you have any requests for chapters please tell me.)

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