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Another day in the League of Legends academy. Most students were having classes, doing projects, or just hanging out somewhere. However, a few of the students were currently at the theater.

Soon will be the academy's annual play. Jhin, the art teacher, has been assigned to direct the play. Currently, he was going through the try-outs for the roles.

However, no student has yet met his expectations. "No, no, no, no!" Jhin, who was sitting at the front row seat of the theater, yelled as he watched Draven try to preform. "Screaming your name every five seconds is no good! You should wait for the right moment to declare who you are, and you lack that. Next!" the rejected Draven sighed as he walked out of the stage into the backstage.

Grey, Ahri, Ekko, Darius, and Vlad were also waiting in the backstage. Ekko and Vlad had scripts in their hands, reading the lines to prepare for the tryouts.

"Oh, man," Vlad gulped nervously as he watched the depressed Draven pass by. "Mr. Jhin is really tearing through them," he was especially nervous that he might meet the same fate.

"I still can't believe that you two want in on this stupid thing," Ahri said while texting on her phone. She found it stupid that Ekko and Vlad wanted to perform in this play.

Grey shrugged his shoulders. "Hey, let them give it a shot. You never know how it can go," he said trying to encourage his two friends.

However, at that moment, Jhin's very angry voice was heard throughout the entire theater. "BACKSTABBING!? that is the most cliche thing I have EVER seen!" he yelled at a student who had messy red and black hair tied into pigtails while wearing a jester uniform. "This is the fourth and final time you give tryouts, Shaco!" Jhin took out his gun, Whisper, and aimed it at Shaco. "GET OFF MY STAGE!" he pulled the trigger, firing the bullet.

However, Shaco vanished in a puff of orange smoke from the stage, while simultaneously appearing at the backstage, dodging the bullet.

Normally, it would be very bad for a teacher to even have a gun at school grounds, let alone attempt to shoot a student. However, at the League of Legends Academy, where it was absolutely usual to see a land-shark suddenly swallow someone whole, it wasn't that big of a deal.

And because of that, the only thing the other students did was tell the depressed Shaco that he shouldn't worry about it and that he'll do better next time.

Jhin got off his seat and walked up on the stage. "Urghh, is there any actual actors in this talentless asylum of learning?!" he yelled out insulting both the academy and the students.

"Uhmm, sir?" Ekko, after swallowing the lump in his throat, took a step forward. "Me and Vlad didn't-"

"Good, you're in," Jhin said surprising everyone. Ekko just wanted to remind him that he and Vlad didn't do the tryouts yet. "I'm so desperate for actors that I'll just take in anyone," whatever happiness Ekko and Vlad felt vanished after hearing that they were just in out of desperation. Jhin then put the back of his hand on his forehead dramatically. "I need two more extremely good looking people to fill very important roles."

As soon as the phrase 'extremely good looking people' was heard, Ahri's and Darius' attitudes changed completely. "Oh, me! Me! I'm in!" Ahri immediately cried out while raising her hand and putting her phone away.

"Me, too! I want in!" Darius also cried out while pushing Vlad and Ekko away.

Grey could not have deadpanned at them more than he already was doing right now. Just a second ago they were talking about this being stupid. And, now that they have a reason to boost their ego, they were all up for it.

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