back from retirement

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Third POV:

Lestara Buvelle, Sona's mother, was waiting in the train station, after a few minutes the train appeared and screeched to a stop "Finally!".

After the gates open, a bellboy pushes a wheelchair out while also holding a suitcase.

He stops after a few seconds and sets the suitcase besides the wheelchair "here you are sir".

"Thank you young man" the elderly man that was sitting on the wheelchair said, he had chin length white hair, he was wearing a classy suit with a trench coat and a top hat.

The bellboy nodded and left, Lestara walked up to him looking pissed "took you long enough, my daughter was asleep when I came here".

"I'm an old man in a wheelchair" said the man motioning to himself "how am I supposed to move quickly".

"Please" Lestara snorted "we both know you can get off that chair, and even if you can't you can still break every bone in a pro wrestler's body".

"You're not in a good mode are you?" The man said.

"Why is Elpis here?" She asked ignoring his question.

"If you must know then he was invited to the Academy".

"That's not what I meant" She was getting mad "I mean, why is Elpis here and you didn't tell me?".

"Should I have told you?" He replied with his own question.

"You know if anyone has the right to know where Elpis is it would be me" She replied "we had a deal Ghear, I let you keep him and you give me all news on him".

"And I am, he's now in this town and studying with your daughter, not to mention I'll be keeping an eye on him personally" Ghear said.

Lestara raised her eyebrow "what's that suppose to mean?".

"You'll see" Ghear chuckled but then looked a little awkward "you... wouldn't be kind enough to give me a ride would you".

Lestara sighed then pointed behind her "my car is parked outside".

Time skip: The Academy.

Grey, Ahri, Ekko, Darius and Vlad were standing in the gym with the rest of the class.

"So do you guys know why the headmaster called our class to meet here?" Ahri asked.

They all shook their heads and the headmaster walked in front of the class "hello students, you're here because a retired teacher is coming back from retirement to teach you, here he is".

A wheelchair appear in front of the students, once it came into view Grey's eyes widen.

"Hello students" Ghear smiled at the class "I'm Ghear Ashnex, and I'll be teaching you hunting".

The students looked at the old man until Ahri noticed something "Wait... Ashnex? Isn't that-"

"Dad!?!" Grey yelled drawing the attention of the students "what are you doing here?".

"Didn't you hear? I'm coming back from retirement" Ghear replied "I'll be teaching you hunting and what you need to survive".

"No offense, but what can an old man in a wheelchair teach us about hunting?" Asked Vlad looking over Ghear.

"Oh... so you don't think I can teach you?" Ghear smirked "how about a bet? A little sparing match, me against all of you, if you win, all of you get passing grades without even being in my class".

"Now we're talking" Darius chuckled drawing his axe.

"Oh the things I can built with that much free time" Ekko said as he and the rest of the class got ready.

"Uhmm... can I pass?" Grey asked raising his hand.

"Alright, anyone else would like to pass?" To Ghear's question, a hand was raised, it was Sona "if no one else, then let's get ready".

Grey and Sona stood at the side "It's good to see you Sona".

[Good to see you too] she replied.

Ahri frowned looking at them "hey Grey! Why don't you keep your attention on me- uh I mean us?".

"Alright alright, but can I record this?" he asked pulling out his phone.

"I don't know" Ahri smiled smugly "I don't want people to see me beat up an old man in a wheelchair".

"Oh he's not the one who'll be beaten up" Grey replied which made Ahri frown again.

"Alright old timer" said Darius "so what? We just flip your chair or?".

Ghear chuckled "dear oh dear, it seems you youngsters don't know how to respect your elders" Ghear then slowly stood up from his wheelchair revealing his threatening hight.

"He's... really tall" said Vlad with worry.

"Well... no matter" he started reaching to something behind him "that will be our first lesson" he then pulled out a big scythe, the scythe's blade was a purple blueish crystal and the pole was covered in bandages "tonight, Ghear Ashnex, joins the class".

Ghear then leaps forward and brings down his scythe making a decent crater, the students scatter and he starts following them swinging his scythe.

"Help! HELP!" Vlad yelled dodging another strike "he's gonna kill us!".

"Oh come on!" Darius jumped away "he's just an old man".

Ghear then reeled back his scythe making it glow, he swung it and a big magical slash shot forward with the students barely dodging.

"He can do that?!?" Ekko yelled as he started running again.

"Grey, tell your psycho dad to stop trying to kill us!" Ahri yelled as she started dodging.

"I would love to Ahri but I don't want people to see me yell at an old man in a wheelchair" he said sarcastically while recording.

"GREY!!!" Yelled Ahri as she ducked under a swing that cut through a few strands of hair.

Time skip:

Ghear was back in his wheelchair smirking, all the students minus Grey and Sona were on the ground.

"Well... I hope you learned a very important lesson about respecting your elders, class dismissed" Ghear then took his leave.

Grey approached his friends "you guys ok?" They all started glaring at him "what?".

"Why were you just standing there?" Ekko asked.

"I said I'll pass, and he gave you the same chance but you didn't take it" Grey replied.

"Well we have a chance to do something else now" Vlad said as he and the other three stood up.

They started walking towards Grey who backed away slowly "uhhh... you're not mad are you?".

"Of course we're not mad" said Ahri with sarcasm "we just want to... release some pent up anger".

"She calls it that, I say payback" said Darius.

Grey just kept backing away until he reached the wall "....... mercy?".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoy it, please comment in anyway you like.)

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