Dodge ball

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(A/N: this chapter was requested by xDarkStar204, it's not exactly what he wanted but I hope he enjoys it)

Third POV: Sona's home.

Sona was sitting in the dinner table having dinner with her mother who was sitting at the other side of the table.

"So Sona" said her mother looking from her meal "how was school today?".

Sona stopped eating for a second to answer [it was good].

"Anything special happen?" Asked her mother before going back to the meal.

Sona perked up at the question [yes, I met this guy today who was really nice].

"Really? What is his name?" She asked getting interested.

[His name is Grey Ashnex] Sona replied.

Her mother stopped everything she was doing for a second before going back to her food "just make sure he's not some playboy".

[He really doesn't seem like it] Sona said before standing up [I'm finished, goodnight].

Sona left, her mother glanced at her direction to make sure she was gone before pulling out her phone and calling someone.

The phone ringed for a couple of times before someone answered "hello?".

"Hello there, it's been a long time" greeted Sona's mother with an obvious fake hospitality "hey funny story, my daughter met this guy in school today, what was his name...?" She sarcastically trailed off "Oh yes... Grey Ashnex" She suddenly went hostile "so I want to ask something, WHY IS ELPIS ABYSSWALKER IN TOWN AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME???" She said enraged.

The voice in the other sighed "It's... a long story".

"Well I got plenty of time" She said checking her nails "so start talking... Ghear".

Time skip: The Academy.

Grey, Darius and Vlad were standing in the gym wearing gym uniform, besides them were other students.

Walking up in front of them was a big troll with brown skin, a red beard, he was wearing a coach uniform and also had a giant club "Alright, listen up, I'm coach Trundle, and from now on I'll be the one getting you into shape, got that maggots" he yelled.

Grey was looking at the coach until he felt his phone vibrate, he pulled it out and saw a text from Ahri.


Ahri: hey.

Ahri: got anything fun going on?

Ahri: I'm really bored right now 😴.

Grey: Ahri I'm in class.

Grey: wait, aren't you in class?

Ahri: yeah, so?

Grey: go back to class Ahri.

Ahri: you're no fun 😑.

Ahri: you know, if you beg hard enough I might send you a selfie 😙.


Grey rolled his eyes, he was used to Ahri's teasing by this point.

"Ashnex!" Grey jumped from being yelled at by the coach "I said we are doing Dodge ball, pay attention!".

"Sorry sir" Grey apologized.

Coach Trundle walked up to Grey "so you think that you shouldn't pay attention when I'm explaining the game?".

"There's not much to explain about Dodge ball" Grey replied.

"Oh really?" The coach chuckled "trust me, the dodge ball I teach is really brutal".

"You obviously never played dodge ball against Tiara" Grey shook his head trying to get rid of the horrible and very painful memory "I think I can manage".

The coach smirked "Alright" he then turned to the rest of the students "new plan! Two teams, Ashnex alone against all of you" he yelled to everyone.

Grey's eyes widen and the other students look at him with a sinister gleam in their eyes.

"Sorry pal" Vlad said grabbing a ball.

"Yeah" chuckled Darius grabbing his own ball "nothing personal".

The students stood at the other side of the gym looking at Grey while coach Trundle was at the side smirking.

The first ball was thrown and Grey dodged it, he then rolled away from another and again.

Grey decided it was time to strike back, he grabbed a ball and threw it hitting a student getting him out of the game.

He grabbed another and started throwing left and right barley missing getting hit.

Grey just managed to roll away from another strike, he threw a ball at Vlad without any actual point of impact.

The ball made a clean hit at Vlad..... right between his legs.

Vlad dropped the ball in his hands and stood there twitching, all the students cringed and looked away.

Meanwhile, Coach Trundle just exploded into laughter "nice shot Ashnex! Ten points just for that hit" he said between laughs.

Vlad dropped to his knees "Why?..." he wheezed out before falling on the ground.

"Sorry Vlad!" Grey yelled out but then rolled away from another strike.

"Come on everyone!" Yelled Darius grabbing another ball "let's avenge Vlad's jewls" he declared which surprisingly earned a few cheers from the students.

"Oh come on" Grey whined while getting ready.

Time skip:

It was a rough match, Grey manged to take out most of the other time but in the end he was hit by Jinx.

Right now, most students including Grey, Darius and Vlad were on the ground panting from the match.

Coach Trundle walked up to Grey "so? What did you learn today?" He asked.

Grey panted a couple of times before answering "that I should listen to the teacher when he's speaking" he replied.

"Good" Coach Trundle said and then turned to Vlad "and what did you learn mister Vlad?".

Vlad was groaning in pain but still answered "that getting hit in the crotch hurts".

"That's right!" He then turned to the rest of the students "so next time, make sure you aim at the enemy's crotch but make sure they don't aim at your's, class dismissed" he yelled before walking away.

Grey got his breathing in control but then felt his phone vibrate again, he pulled it out and saw it was Ahri with a few missed texts.


Ahri: hey!

Ahri: heeeeeeeeeeey!

Ahri: are you ignoring me? 😡

Ahri: then I'm going to start ignoring you.

Ahri: I said I'm ignoring you 😡.

Ahri: don't ignore me, I'm ignoring you 😠.


Grey just closed his phone and got up onto his feet "when I see Ahri, I'm taking her phone..... and chugging it down a toilet!".

(A/N: thank you for reading this, please comment in anyway you like.)

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