Chapter 3

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It had been a tiring journey but you finally made it to the Sunakagure.

When you both arrived at the entrance you were greeted by two ninjas of the sand who escorted you to the Kazekage's office. A relieved sigh left your lips. How the hell did they live in such heat. Halfway to your destination you had already started to feel the effects.

"Lord Kazekage has been expecting you both, we hope it wasn't to much of a troublesome journey. There are always some rogues hanging around."m You nodded as you walked behind the men.

"Yeah we came in contact with some earlier."

"They didn't even put up much a fight. A piece of cake really." Naruto exaggerated.

You couldn't help but smile, one thing Naruto was good at was making people smile. The ninjas ahead you laughed also. "We expect no less from you Naruto-sama." your eyes widened at how they addressed him, almost choking on air.

"N-Naruto-sama!?!" you exclaimed.

Naruto raised his head proudly. "That's right! He's legend around here, he saved the Kazekage's life. It's all because of him that we have such a great alliance with the Leaf." one of the male's praised.

You had already known about that but for some reason hearing them say address him so highly made you want to laugh. As you all continued down your path a smile was still etched on your face. Naruto was indeed in store for some great things.

You couldn't help but feel uneasy, Naruto was always sure of himself. A part of you wanted to experience that.

Finally reaching the office you followed as they continued to lead you both down the hallways to the Kazekage's office. You watched as Naruto bounced excitedly when you arrived at the door. One of the ninjas knocked as he opened the door. "Lord Kazekage, your visitors are here." he announced as he stepped out of the way to let you both in.

Both men nodded before they took their leave.

You walked in as the doors closed, Naruto running to the desk of the man who sat behind it. When you had gotten closer you looked at the stranger closely. His hair was red, eyes a soft seafoam green. There was a tattoo on the top left side of his forehead that read love. Despite that fact his eyes looked almost emotionless. This guy looked like he never really smiled. He was wearing a red outfit that had a grey sort of chest plate at the front. On his head was the usual hat all the kages wore for their designated villages. You continued to gaze at the sand ninja Naruto had often spoke of so energetically.

A smile made it's way of his face when he saw Naruto. The smile caught you a little off guard, you could see he sheer respect he obviously held for the blond shinobi.

He pulled off his hat placing it on the table close to where you saw a strange gourd.

"I heard so much stories about him but it's hard to believe that such a guy could.."

"(Y/N)-chan!! Come on you said you wanted to meet him right." You jolted out of your thoughts at the sound of Naruto's voice.

"Y-Yes, How rude of me." you walked over standing in front of the red haired kage.

You bowed. "It's an honour to meet you, Naruto has told me a lot about you Kazekage-sama." when you raised he looked at you with those piercing green eyes.

"There is no need for such formalities, Gaara is fine." he held his hand out for you. You nodded,

reaching out your hand. When your hands made contact a small sound left you lips. You looked over when his eyes locked onto yours, holding you in such an intense gaze your heart fluttered.

"W-What's going on.." Your head felt like it was spinning uneasily, stomach doing odd flips. You both had been just standing looking at each other for who knows how long.

You pulled your hand away quickly, cheeks flushing. "N-Nice to meet you Gaara."

A small twinkle seem to sparkle in his eyes at the sound of his name leaving your lips.

"It's a great pleasure (Y/N)-san."

Naruto looked between both of you with his eyes squinted. "Are you guys alright, your acting weird." he mumbled.

"O-Of course w-what are you talking about!!" stammering you slapped him on the back. He stumbled forward at the force of your lash face planting into the ground. You sweatdropped at the sight of his butt sticking up into the air.

"A-Ah, Gomenasai." you apologised softly.

You turned back to Gaara pointing at the gourd. "That's yours right, can you really control sand to do what you want?" you asked curiously.

He nodded with folded arms. "Yes, the sand acts as a defense for my body. Even without the Jinchuriki it protects me."

"I you really did have a Jinchuriki. I can't imagine how hard it must been for you." you muttered head bent. You felt kinda bad for bringing up the topic now.

"There is no need to look so guilty, I do regret my actions in the past but that is behind me. I'm thankful to have met Naruto. It's thanks to him that I was able to truly live."

Naruto scratched his head awkwardly. "W-well I just helped it was no big deal." he spoke with a slight blush.

"Look who's suddenly bashful, eh Naruto-sama~" you quipped.

"W-we need to get going!!" he called clearly embarrassed.

"It was surely a long trip, I can find accomodations so you can rest comfortably for the night." Gaara offered.

You nodded stretching your sore limbs. "Sleep sounds good plus I'm starving."

"There is a ramen shop not to far from here, it's not as good as Ichiraku's I'm sure but it should satisfy you."

Naruto seemed to get excited just by the thought of ramen.

"What are we waiting for let's go!!" And just like that he was gone in a gust of wind. You laughed at his poor manners. " Naruto really is to much sometimes." you giggled.

Gaara wore a small smile as he held the door open for you. Your face flushed at the gesture.

Walking out with him you kept taking small glances as he looked straight ahead. Hands burrowed behind your back you spoke.

"We should look for him before he becomes lost, although with his nose I'm sure he could track ramen from miles away." you chuckled.

Gaara nodded in agreement as you both walked in step with each other.

Both you and Gaara had been oblivious to the presence of his two older siblings who were watching curiously.

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