Chapter 19

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Slight warning, this will be a little steamy.

~Your apartment~

"Man, I feel really energized!!" you cried out happily. You were standing in front of your door with a silly grin. A couple of people that passed gave you weird glances but you didn't care. Smiling you unlocked your door stepping in.

You entered with a stretch, taking off your shoes. Yawning softly you bounded through the hall towards your couch.

"I wonder if there's anything to eat, can't really remember the last time I went for supplies." you groaned. "Maybe I'll just get ramen." you laughed to yourself. Being around Naruto so much was starting to show.

"It's not healthy to only eat ramen (Y/N)-san."

A high pitched scream left your lips as you shuffled back furiously into the wall.


You were still perched up on the wall panting from the scare. Gaara looked at your startled gaze for a second before a smirk adorned his lips. You glared at him.

"I was trying to surprise you, it seems my plan worked. " He spoke amused.

You just kept glaring at him letting out an angered huff. "Trying to give me a heart attack, don't you have better things to do." you grumbled folding your arms as you moved over to him. He chuckled before speaking.

"I heard you were coming back from your first mission today so I decided to pay a visit." he said nonchalantly. You watched as he sat back down on your couch. There was a couple papers on your coffee table and from what you could tell it was some unfamiliar documents. Gaara turned from you organizing the papers in a neat pile.

"He never stops working does he?" His kage hat was on the table too. He had once again dropped what he was doing to ensure you were safe. You smiled to yourself. Gaara really was such a cutie.

You took a seat next to him grinning. "You're too cute~" Gaara's fingers faltered as he dropped the paper he had presently been holding, looking away from you with a blush.

"I-I'd appreciate it if you'd stop referring to me as cute, I'm not a puppy or a stuffed animal."

You laughed. "Come on you love it, look how red your cheeks are!" you couldn't contain your laughter as his face just turned redder at the statement.

"Oh! What's this?" you reached out at a pair of spectacles you didn't recognized.

"I-It's nothing!!" you were stunned when Gaara blocked your hand from touching the object. You ignored his protests reaching over and grabbing the black rimmed glasses before he could stop you.

"Got it." you continued to laugh as you placed the object unto you face. "I can't believe you wear glasses Gaara, can you get any cuter." Gaara refused to meet your eyes as you made a variety of weird faces with the glasses perched on your nose.

"Come on, put them on I wanna see how you look. " you urged shifting over to him. His eyes were directly elsewhere , back turned to you as he shook his head cutely. You pulled them off, persistent to get him to take them.

"Please~" you begged tugging on his red sleeves. A defeated sigh left him as he finally turned to you.

"Very well.." he mumbled taking the glasses from your hands. He passed a hand through his messy red locks pulling it back unconsciously as he slipped on the dark rimmed glasses.

You uttered a soft gasp when his gaze turned on you. You weren't sure if he was doing it intentionally but the slight ruffle in his hair along with the glasses that now blessed his perfect face made you breathless. His eyes look slightly hooded.

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