Chapter 31- Final

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"If you keep going like this, you're going to collapse." 

Gaara's eyes wouldn't meet you, but you knew he heard you. His eyes stayed directed at the floor as he took off the armor secured around his chest. He placed it on the floor, taking a seat on the bed.

"I'm the Kazekage, it's my job to ensure the people of this village are safe. I cannot rest until that's guaranteed. "

"If you're dead then it doesn't help anyone." you were angry. He wasn't taking care of himself, and more than anything it scared you. If he was like this now, what would happen when you left for Konoha. "I know you're scared Gaara. 

You're afraid that you can't do this job and protect me." his shoulders were stiff. You could see his hands gripping into the sheets on the bed.

"I almost lost you today because of a radical ninja. What I've realized is..he is right. There will be more. I...I can't choose between.." he couldn't even form the words.

"You don't have to choose Gaara, I'd never ask you to choose between your duty and me. That's selfish. " You took a seat right next to him, taking his hand in your own. When his eyes lifted, the amount of emotion that he was showing, it stunned you.

"I've spent so many years with nothing but hate, I never dreamed of having anything else. When Naruto showed me that there was much more, it was the greatest thing I could imagine. This alliance isn't solely to prevent war, it's a symbol of our friendship. All the people that I've grown to care for, love. If I cannot protect that, then how can I hope to protect you."

Why did he think he had to do this all alone.

"It isn't your job to protect me. Gaara, I've spent all my life being protected. My parents risked their lives. My brother spent years punishing himself, all because he thought it was his duty to keep me safe. I'm done being the one that needs protecting. " your hold on his hand tightened, and he could see it, the determination in your eyes.

"That ninja thought he'd bested me because you all seem to think that I'm some damsel that constantly needs rescuing. I'm not weak Gaara. I'm done being a victim. I'm stronger now, and I don't need protecting. If you want someone who is going to sit around and be nothing but a defenseless child, then I'm not the one you should be with." you stood, pulling your hand away, and Gaara opened his mouth, reaching out for you. You were facing him, and the confidence radiating off you, it was as if you were glowing.

"But, if you want a woman who'll stand by you, and help you protect what you love, then I'll be that woman Gaara."

He wasn't sure what to say. He'd never viewed you as defenseless, but he supposed he was so bent on how much he'd fail to be there the first time, it just made him more protective. He hadn't noticed just how much you'd grown in those weeks.

"So what's it going to be Kazekage." You were grinning, and Gaara could feel all his fears, his insecurities just slipping away. He didn't have to worry, he saw that now.

"I want you to stand by me (Y/N)."

"Smart choice." you held out your hand for him, and Gaara stared at it for a few moments. With that small gesture, he could see all the hardships that he'd endured to get him to this very moment. 

Those words Naruto had told him were true. Having someone who needs to protect, something that's important, it's what gives any person true strength. He was strong because of the people around him. They were why his will to fight always prevailed. Taking a step forward, he took your hand, and the warmth that filled the room, it felt so good. You were smiling so brightly at him, and for a split second he wondered what he'd done to be so fortunate.

"I love you Gaara." Those words never failed to surprise him. No matter how many times you uttered them, he'd always have a hard time believing it. 

"I love you too (Y/N)."

War among the villages would always be a possibility, but if he had the people he cared most about, then he could survive any war. No matter how bad. 

"Well now that it's all settled lets get some sleep. I'm tired. " You yawned. When you saw the playful flicker in Gaara's eyes, you raised a brow. He pulled you closer, and you stumbled, falling into his chest.

"I believe we had something else to discuss when all this was over." he whispered.

"S-Something else?" It took your brain a moment to figure out what he was talking about, when you did, your face flushed. "W-Well I mean is there really anything to d-discuss! I-I don't think so!" you tried to make a break for it, taking off. Gaara kept a hold on you, ensuring that you didn't escape. When he lifted you into his arms, you squeaked.

"It's been my experience that I should not let any moment just pass by." you gulped at the way he was staring at you.

"Prepare yourself (Y/N)-san. You've just agreed to commit yourself to me wholeheartedly. That means in all aspects. "

"W-Wait I-I think w-we should talk this over o-or at least get it in writing for my- kya!!" you jumped when he nipped at your ear.

"I hope you have no plans for the next few days (Y/N). I'll be expecting your full attention. " He spoke seductively.


You were screwed.

What had you gotten yourself into.

You were about to find out. 


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