Chapter 13

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Your body felt heavy as you shifted with a wince. Everywhere was sore. Your abdomen felt the worst, that kunai really did a number on you. 

"(Y/N)-chan." Your head turned in the direction of the voice, eyes opening slowly.

"Gaara..." you mumbled weakly. He stood,  watching your bandaged form in the bed. Your body was covered in white gauze. He eyes lowered as he unfolded his arms.

"I heard about what happened, everyone was terribly worried." When you looked over at the red haired male you noticed something. His eyes looked slightly red, almost like he had been crying and wiped the area to get rid of the evidence. You pretended not to notice, He probably would have hated the idea that you knew he was crying.

You directed your gaze at the ceiling,  raising your hand in the air, opening and closing your palm absentmindedly. 

"They were part of my clan, the ones who killed my parents. They were so hungry for power that they turned on their own." The words that escaped you held a deep hate, one that Gaara was indeed familiar with. 

"I apologize..." Gaara said softly. You looked at him in confusion. "You don't have to apologize, it would be selfish of me to expect you to come running every time I was in danger. You're the Kazekage, you already have an entire village to look after."

Sitting up slowly with a groan you held your stomach smiling through the pain. "I'm really glad you came though." Gaara stared at you for a couple seconds before he smiled.

"I missed you (Y/N)." you blushed at his statement looking away. "Of course you did, who wouldn't!" Gaara chuckled lowly as the door to your room swung open.

The figure that stepped in made your eyes light up. "O-ONI-SAN!!" Throwing the sheets off your body you stumbled out running as fast as you could in his direction. Your body crashed into his,  hugging him as tight as you could.

Both Gaara and your brother looked stunned. Gaara was quiet as he watched you.

(B/N) slowly wrapped his arms around you, breathing a sigh of relief. "I'm..sorry you had to go through that again. If I had gotten there sooner maybe you wouldn't be so.." His eyes looked over your injured form in regret. Bandages ran from both your arms, straight down you legs. Scratches were visible on your face and your eyes looked puffy and red, no doubt from crying so much.

You shook your head pulling back. "You saved me Oni-san, you don't have to apologize. I-I'm so happy your here." you cried out happily. "I always hoped you had gotten away, I didn't really remember much after you left me in the forest."

He looked ashamed. "I thought that if I had steered them away from your direction, maybe I could try and take them on. One of them got away, when I came were gone." His hand came up as held his face a few droplets escaping his eyes.

"I thought he had killed y-you......there was blood everywhere...I-I wanted to die." Your heart broke hearing his words. "I-I got lucky, h-he did come after me b-but I was saved by some ninjas from Konoha. They took me in, protected me just like their own."

(B/N) smiled, wiping his tears with a sniffle. "I'm glad you found people to care for you, I owe them my life for taking care of you." Your brother turned to Gaara bowing. "Thank you for looking after my little sister, I'm forever in your debt." You sweatdropped.

"A-Ah, he's actually from Sunakagure Oni-san." (B/N) blinked standing up straight.

"O-Oh? Well sorry about that!" he laughed out loud scratching his cheek in embarrassment. You face palmed.

"W-Wait, then who is he?"

"I am Gaara, Kazekage of Sunakagure."

Your brother nodded introducing himself. "It's nice to meet you Gaara, you must be good friends with (Y/N) to come all the way from Suna."

You started internally panicking, no one really knew about your relationship with Gaara. You were pretty sure your brother would go into protective mode if he found out. The both of you were separated for so long, no doubt he'd be watching you every moment from this point on. 

"We're lovers." Gaara stated.

You blanked. "Damn it Gaara! You could have been more subtle."

(B/N) eyes closed as he continued to laugh for a while. "Your really funny Gaara-san. For a second I thought you said you and (Y/N) were lovers." 

"O-Oni-san,  l-lets not a-act rash o-ok." you coaxed trying to calm him down.

(B/N) suddenly stopped laughing as he bent his head, eyes dark. His hand wrapped around the sword on his back as the other took your wrist.

"I will not allow her to be corrupted by anyone." your brother mumbled darkly as a chilling aura released from body.

"C-Calm down no one is gonna-" the feeling of sand softly wrapping around your free hand caught you off guard. Gaara turned in your direction glaring at you brother,  matching his intensity.

"(Y/N) is mine, you will not stop us from being together." Gaara spoke confidently.

"SERIOUSLY!!!" You sighed, you expected something like this from your brother but you were hoping Gaara was a little more level headed.

"He's friends with Naruto after all, I should have expected it." You stood in the middle,  trapped between both of them.

Your eyes moved when the door opened and Kakashi walked in. He watched as the two males were practically killing each other with their eyes, having a sort of tug of war match with your arm. A bead of sweat ran down his cheek

"It's a relief to see you're  already on your feet (Y/N)." The Jonin spoke keeping his distance.

(B/N) gave a side glance watching the grey haired male sharply. "Your not pursuing my little (Y/N)-chan are you, I'd hate to have to dismember you." (B/N) threatened, causing Kakashi to sweat profusely.

"N-No I'm not. " he defended waving his hand in the air frantically. You couldn't believe someone like Kakashi was scared of your now demonic looking brother.

"I came t-to let you know Tsunade-sama had requested to speak with you all. " Kakashi looked over at your pleading expression that screamed "Help me". He turned his back with a wave.

"See you guys there." with a poof of smoke he was gone.

"Traitor." you sighed again as both of them continued to stare each other down.

"It's gonna be a long day."

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