Chapter 17

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Gaara was sticking around the village since you were still actively recovering. You both had spent days taking leisure walks since you were completely opposed to laying in bed all day. The both of you were casually strolling through the village hand in hand. A couple of the villagers gave you slightly terrified looks as they buzzed passed. For a while you were a bit confused as to why. After a while you just ignored, shifting closer to Gaara as you held his hand a bit tighter.

You pulled up to a small hill, it was a favorite of yours. Peaceful and secluded, you visited this spot often when you just needed a place to relax. You sat down lightly on the grassy plane urging Gaara to do the same. He blinked before following as he sat next to you.

The sun was close to setting, giving the sky a mix of pink and orange color. You stared in amazement at the beautiful color that filtered the sky.

You let out a happy chirp turning to Gaara with a grin. Your face fell when you saw the crestfallen look on his face.

"What's wrong?" you questioned worriedly. He looked down almost ashamed, making you more worried.

"I apologize...the reason they were all staring earlier is mainly because of me." he stated softly. Your head tilted to the side in confusion.

"Because of you..?" He nodded. "Not all of my mistakes from the past have been overlooked, some still resent me for what I did." he clarified.

You understood what he meant, you knew full well about what had taken place when the chunin exams were going on. Albeit you were still a child, at that point you had been cured only a couple weeks prior so you were basically a civilian at the time. But you were well aware. News about the attack had spread like wildfire. Although only a couple had been injured when the sand ninjas tried to overthrow Konoha, you fully understood why some would still be hateful.

Gaara looked a bit broken, you could see he regretted what happened. He was always angry at the world for treating him the way it did, his only way to cope was to show them the same pain he felt everyday.

You moved closer taking his hand in yours. " don't have to apologize for anything." He turned to you just gazing. "It was difficult for you to get passed what happened to you, that's why you felt there was no other way. I can't say that I know what it was like for you but I...I know who you were has shaped you into who you are now. You've learned from your wrongs and it's for that very reason that you care for others. I've seen how loving you are with Kankuro and Temari, you even manage an entire village, putting their needs before your own. "

You looked back at the lowering sun. "Pain is what gets us through the tough times, it pushes us to be better, stronger. So don't ever apologize Gaara....cause I know that the you now, is the most caring person I've ever met, no matter what anyone else thinks." you finished with a grin.

Gaara wore an awestruck expression eyes shaking softly. He returned your smile bringing a hand up to stroke your cheek.

"You are a very unique person (Y/N)." you laughed. "I hope you mean that in a good way cause I always say that to Naruto when he does something stupid." a smile made its way on his face.

"I assure you it's a good way." Gaara's hand continued to caress your cheek lightly as he pulled your face closer. You blushed as your lips met in a slow kiss. No matter how many times you both kissed, it still made your heart beat erratically. 

Your hands reached up slowly as you wrapped them around his neck pulling him closer. Your tongue darted out slipping pass his lips, you smirked when a soft groan erupted from his throat. Your fingers moved up into his hair as you gripped at the nape of his neck, deepening the kiss.

He shuddered, trying to match your intensity. You found it adorable how sometimes he was so attractively daring and others he was nothing but a shy kid.

After a while he pulled away taking in desperate breaths from the lack of oxygen, cheeks pleasantly flushed.

"Your expressions are always so cute Gaara~" you sang happily. His blush only darkened as he turned away from your gaze, which only made you giggle more.

Regardless of what anyone thought, to you Gaara would always be an adorable little marshmellow. 

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