Chapter 10

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Your legs trembled at the animal in front of you, all the memories you thought had been buried came rushing back. You stumbled backwards, before you took off running in a random direction.

Tears streamed down your face as you panted body getting scratched by every other tree as you scrambled deeper into the forest fearing for your life. 

"YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!!" he taunted behind you. He had jumped unto the wolf as it chased after you briskly.

" me.. please..."  


Ten Years Ago

"How much longer, I'm hungry." you whined turning to your mother. The woman smiled as she patted you lightly on the head adjusting the bag on her back. "Don't worry we'll get there soon enough."

Your father looked over at your smaller form with a frown. "Her body is getting weaker by the second, if we don't hurry she could.." he bit his lip at the thought. Forcing a smile he looked down at you.

Your family had been travelling for days on your way to Konoha. Your body was not the best, just catching a cold could put you at a risk. Your mother had finally found a talented Sanin ninja who would be able to help with your condition. After receiving the news your family had decided to move to Konoha. Everyone in your family were ninjas and you had hoped to become one when you were cured. 

If you were cured.

"How about a piggyback (Y/N)-chan." giggling happily you cheered. "Yay!!" He lowered so you could jump on as you bounced excitedly on your father's back.

"H-Hey, calm down you're not that light." he said gleefully as he ran in circles with you laughing. Your mother looked on with a broad smile.

"Hah, cool people don't need piggybacks." your sixteen year old brother gloated titling his chin to the sky with a snobby smirk.

"Oni-san is just jealous." you glowered pushing out your tongue at him. He scowled showing you various faces. "Bleh!!!"

You laughed as he joined in, hands holding the straps on his bag. "You spoil her to much (F/N)."

"Someone has to." he replied.

A comfortable silence formed around you. Looking up hesitantly you decided to ask the question you had been meaning to for a while now.

 "W-When I get better, c-can I train to become a ninja to?" you asked softly. You had never brought it up before. You were well aware how protective they had been, ever since they knew about your fragile body's condition.

Your father looked over to your mother as they both exchanged looks. "When the time comes we'll see."

You pouted. "That's not an answer!" he chuckled once again. You continued to pout biting his shoulder softly as he cried out in surprise. "S-Stop attacking your Papa!" he ordered with a grin. You continued to bite him playfully until something caught your vision.

"Eh... what's tha-" A loud explosion went off right before your eyes. (F/N) grunted barely dodging the blast. The aftershock sent his body flying back into the air. At the last second he pulled you off his back shoving you into his chest protectively.

His body crashed into the ground with a harsh thud as your eyes screwed shut. When your eyes opened your father had his hands wrapped around you securely. His breathing was labored. You crawled out from his arms shaking his body. Kneeling on the ground your heart beat picked up at the prospect that he might die.

"T-Tou-san get up!!" you looked around frantically searching for your mother and brother.

"What do we have here." a menacing voice said behind you. When the dust had settled you looked up searching desperately.

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