Chapter 29

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"We're okay here (Y/N). " You smiled at Temari as she ushered the women and children inside the underground area. 

"That's good to know. I've already checked in with Kankuro and the streets have been cleared. If they attack again we'll see it coming. "

"That's good." Temari's gaze was directed at the building, and you followed with your eyes.

"I'll go and make sure he's okay. I won't let anything happen to him." Gaara wasn't one that usually needed protecting, but you couldn't help but worry, and you supposed Temaru felt the same way. She gave a grateful smile, and you flashed her a confident one.

After you'd made a complete round of the village, you were mostly checking the stationed points to ensure all was going well. Gaara was doing some reckoning of his own to scope out the threat. So far nothing. It was really starting to get to you. You hated being on the defensive. Whoever was doing this had all the power, they could strike at any time.

As you ran through the village, you scanned quickly, trying to pick up on just about anything. Traps, chakra patterns, anything that would give you just a hint of what you were working with.

"Help!!" the call made you come to a complete halt. Your eyes shifted, searching for the voice. It was another ninja. He looked frantic, and familiar. 

"You were the ninja training under Lady Temari thank goodness!" he smiled in relief, and you tilted your head. "I-I'm sorry, I was one of the ones guarding the gate. When the explosion went off my partner and I were scared. We thought the Kazekage was killed. There's no one watching the gate!"

"I understand, where is your partner, is he injured?" he shook his head. "No he's fine, he went to look after his family. He was terrified that she might have been hurt. I-I'm sorry I know my job is to protect the gates but I-"

You shook your head patting him on the shoulder. "There's no need to apologize. With all that's going on it makes sense that you would be afraid. We need to get back there. Whoever is doing this may have back up. If the entrance is compromised the whole village could be in danger. Let's get back there. I'll stay with you." 

He gave a smile, nodding frantically. "T-Thank you!!" Your plans to check on Gaara would have to be put on hold. You started a journey to the gates, from where you were it was all the way across the village. You were going as fast as you could, the man following at your side. When you could see the huge borders within your view, you smiled. That smile lowered at the man you made out lying face down in the sand. You rushed over, kneeling to check. You were stunned to see the sword protruding out of his chest.

"You should have never come to Suna." 

Your eyes widened and you turned in shock at the harsh tone the man behind you spoke in. reaching for a kunai, you gasped at the barrier that was summoned, locking you in a box. You screamed, making quick hand signs to try and get out. The fireball that left your mouth hit the wall and dissipated on impact.

"It's no use fighting. This barrier absorbs chakra (Y/N) (L/N)." your eyes harden in the dark. You were pissed. How could you have been so stupid to let your guard down like that.

"Bastard." you mutter.

If it was indeed a chakra sucking prison, then if you tried utilizing it anymore, it would be bad.

"You won't influence our village anymore you leaf scum. I should have killed you earlier. The Kazekage won't save you this time. "

"Why are you doing this! This is your home, why would you put them at risk!"

"My target was never the village, it was you. It's always been you."


That made no sense.

"You should get comfortable, because this coffin is where you will die."


"Lord Kazekage! We've got a message. It's urgent. It was sent through the channels of our interrogation specialist. "

"What is it?" Gaara stepped into the room. There was a ninja sitting, his eyes were closed, and from the signs he had, and the scrolls present, he could already recognize who was delivering the message.

"Yamanaka-san, I'm grateful for the update. Have you figured out the main target." Gaara watched as the message was conveyed through the man sitting still.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news, Lord Kazekage. The threat is not what we assumed. From what I've obtained, this attack was staged at a person, rather than a thing."

"A person?" Gaara brows furrowed. "Was there intention to assassinate me?" That couldn't have been right. The entire strategy was flawed, from the rash bomb, to the careless uproar of chaos in the streets.

"The explosion was a diversion to separate you from the target. The person they are after is (Y/N). " Gaara's heart stopped, letting out an unsteady breath, he closed his eyes.

"That..that can't be possible. As far as the village knows she's a genin training under Temari. No one knows of her alliance with the Leaf village other than my highest chain of command. "

"That is where the problem lies. This circle that was formed is made up of only two men. They were smart. They knew if war was mentioned, the villages would collaborate to infiltrate and pick out the threat. They were counting on us assuming this was an entire operation staged by a mass amount of ninjas. They played us. We have one in custody, it's where we required the information. The other is still in your village. "

"But why (Y/N), there's no reason to go after her."

Inojin cleared his throat, and Gaara was shocked when he heard the voice change as the thoughts of their captive rolled freely off his ninja's lips.

"Lord Kazekage has been distracted by the woman. A member of the Leaf Village no less. When she was reported to be hurt, he just picked up and left. What kind of leader abandons his post for a kunoichi, especially one affiliated with the very village we've been at war with for years. It's despicable. The only way that we can ensure he doesn't fail us is to get rid of the distraction. She must be eliminated, permanently. "

Gaara felt his blood turn cold. This entire time he'd been so concerned that it was an attack on his people. They'd played him.

"As you've heard, they orchestrated the entire operation. This was what they wanted. You have to get to (Y/N) as quickly as possible. " Gaara didn't need to be told twice.

"I will."

He was not going to let anyone lay a finger on you, not now, not ever. 

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