Chapter 15

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As she finished speaking, everyone started to exit the room. Shizune was moving with your brother to show him where he would be staying. You would have asked him to stay with you, sadly your house wasn't that spacious. He followed her with a disgruntled look, glaring back at Gaara.

You laughed at how the day had turned out. Gaara insisted that he carry you home, since you refused to stay in the stuffy hospital. 

"You really are unbelievable sometimes. I didn't know you would just blurt that out." He turned with a confused look. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" You shook your head, squeezing his hand lightly. " I don't mind, I was just a little surprised, that's all. You seem pretty nonchalant about these things." You mused, walking in step with him to your apartment.

When you had made it out of the Hokage building, Gaara picked you up bridal style. You yelped softly at the sudden action. "W-What are you doing?" You watched as sand started to form at his feet.

"You're still recovering, it's best for you to stay off your legs for a while." Without a warning his sand lifted you both into the air. Quickly wrapping your arms around his neck you buried your head into his chest, cheeks a glowing red. This guy really was something else.

The breeze blew through you hair causing you to peek out at the houses below you. Letting out a small gasp you gazed at the view from where you were. Konoha looked pretty amazing from the air.

You gazed up at Gaara's serious expression as he held you in his arms securely.

"He's really freaking attractive..." It was a wonder he's be alone until now. The guy was like a big cuddly panda bear. You giggled to yourself at the joke.

When you had made it to the apartment, he placed you on your feet softly. You smiled at him lovingly, opening the door as you both stepped in.

Your place wasn't huge, but it was home. It was a bout the same size as Naruto's, just less dirty.

You took a few steps forward, before a sudden pain shot through your abdomen. You winced, staggering backwards. Gaara held you by the shoulders, looking down at you worriedly.

You bit back the pain managing a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm alright." You assured. Gaara didn't look the least bit convinced.

He turned you to face him, mouth in a straight line. "Someone should stay here to look after you." he commanded. You were about to decline, but you got a little distracted by his face. You didn't know what it was, but something about that serious look on his face got you all tingly.

"I really wanna kiss him right now." You couldn't help it, here Gaara was worrying about you and all you could do was marvel at him.

"Can you..stay with me.." you murmured, hand moving to hold his arm lightly. Gaara was quiet for a second just staring at you in confusion, until he seemed to register what you were asking. His eyes lit up with recognition as his cheeks turned a light pink.

"I...I don't think that is a good ide-" You pulled him down connecting your lips with his cutting off his protests. His eyes widened. A few seconds had passed and he had started to respond, hands wrapping gently around your waist.

When you had pulled away his eyes had visibly darkened. " You shouldn't tempt me (Y/N).." you shuddered at his low tone.

"You're the one who started it, quit looking so brooding all the time it's distracting." you said with a blush. A small smile graced his lips as his hand moved to your cheek. Your eyes trembled as he looked down at you.

"Gaara..." you whispered breathlessly as his thumb grazed your lower lip. He leaned forward locking his lips back with yours. You moaned softly when his tongue slipped passed your lips, your body trembling as you gripped his arm tighter.

"S-So warm.."

Gaara continued to dominate your mouth, hand skimming over your chest. You couldn't help the little whimpers that filled the air when his hand rested lightly on your clothed chest, massaging the area softly. You took an unsteady step backwards, body connecting with a nearby wall.

Gaara kept you pinned between his body and the wall as he kissed you like there was no tomorrow.

When you both had finally separated, your body leaned against his for support as you panted heavily. He couldn't help but smile at your state.

"You should rest." he spoke lifting you as he carried you to your bed. You hated to admit it, but you were exhausted. The day had been stressful enough but after a kiss like that it was a wonder you were still functioning.

He pulled the covers over your body as he gazed at you lovingly. "Rest, I will look after you." You nodded with a grin as your eyes slowly started to droop.

"Goodnight, Gaara.." you mumbled dosing off.

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