Chapter 20

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"Are you sure you're ready to start back (Y/N)." You gave an exasperated sigh. 

"Gaara, I know you're worried, but I need to start sooner or later."

 His eyes averted. "I apologize. I don't mean to undermine your strength I just..." you smiled taking his hands. "I'm flattered that you're so careful, thank you for always looking out for me." Gaara wore a small smile. "Of course, I have to look after my student." you blushed at his suggestive tone. You knew what he was referring to.

"Damn you Gaara!!" you jumped back with a glare. "I-I'm not going easy on you!!" you hollered thoroughly embarrassed. Gaara just smirked squaring off his feet.

After his little visit, he decided to  stay a couple more days. Since he was available, you decided to get in some training. You were still a bit shaken from your recovery. You just wanted to ensure you were on guard on all your missions. You didn't have any issues with pain as of late, but you didn't want to take any chances. You would be training vigorously every opportunity you had.

"Ready." you called raising your fist in defense. He gave a nod. You smiled as the both of you pitched forward. Your hands collided firing kicks and punches. You tried your best to avoid any sand that shot in your direction. You agreed to help him with his taijutsu. Gaara had a great defense for battle, but he couldn't always rely on it. 

You brought up the topic with him and he thought it was a great idea. Lee had pretty much taught you everything you knew, he was a frequent partner of yours for training. His taijutsu was top level, in every sense. 

The perfect tutor.

You did a back flip when a trail of sand once again came hurtling in your direction. Your legs skidded back coming to a stop. Gaara was on you in seconds, leg raising as he delivered a fierce kick to your abdomen. You grunted barreling to the ground. You were now laying flat on your back breathing a bit laboured. You squeezed your eyes shut ignoring the pain.

"Shit...." you grimaced rising to your feet. Gaara eyes examined you. He didn't make a move to come over and help, and you smiled. You were happy he respected you enough to let you bare through this pain on your own. You had a feeling he understood, if you happened to be in a situation again, he wouldn't be there to help you.

"She needs to get stronger on her own."  His green eyes wavered for a second. It was still difficult watching you grunt in pain.

You grinned cockily, grabbing a kunai from your back pocket.

"I'm just getting started!" you jumped to your feet charging.

Gaara had a feeling today was going to be a full day, and he had no problem with that.

~Time skip~

"You're a lot better at taijutsu than I anticipated." you grinned at Gaara's words. You were a gifted fighter. You'd spent your whole life training to get stronger after all. Gaara dusted his red outfit walking closer to you. "I think that's enough for today." you nodded.

 "Yeah if I'm being honest I'm kinda beat." you laughed, breathing a little heavy. Numerous scratches were littered over your arms and legs. Gaara didn't look much different. Your eyes shot forward when you noticed his left arm was bleeding. You reached out taking his arm lightly. He looked down where your eyes were, blinking as if now realizing the wound. 

"Seems you got in a number of hits, I didn't even notice that one." he spoke proudly.

You grinned raising your fist with a loud laugh. "Of course you didn't I'm just that awesome!" you boasted. Gaara's hand reached up placing it gingerly on your cheek. Your fist lowered as you stared at him with a blush. "I'm glad to see you so happy (Y/N). It always warms my heart whenever you smile." your eyes were shaking. 

Gaara had a way of speaking that made your insides feel all warm and fuzzy. "Y-You're too cute sometimes Gaara, it's not good for my heart." you said looking down flushed. He moved forward scooping you into his arms. You shrieked at the sudden movement. "I-I'm f-fine I can walk!" you declared. He just smiled. "I like carrying you." you wrapped your hands around his neck hiding your red cheeks. "O-Okay." he smiled down at you before taking off on his sand.

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