Chapter 7

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You had walked out from the bathroom feeling cleansed "Yosh!" you called to yourself humming as you moved around the room. A smile was present on your face thinking of how you were gonna ask Gaara out.

"(Y-Y/N)-san...." you shrieked turning around with a heavy blush at the sudden voice. Your eyes were the size of saucers.

"G-G-Garaa!" you exclaimed, you were only a couple feet away from where he stood next to the bed which made you even more embarrassed. Feeling frantic you took unsteady steps back, which was a bad move on your part. One of Naruto's ramen packs had been on the floor. Your legs slipped, losing footing Gaara reached out to grab you at the last moment.

Your body crashed into his as you both fell onto the bed. A soft groan was heard below you. Your eyes were still shut, hands pressed into his chest when he had held onto you.

You shifted slowly about to open your eyes. "Stop moving.." a strained voice commanded.

Eyes opening you were shocked at the look Gaara wore. His eyes were averted at the wall, a dark blush visible on his usually emotionless face. Now registering what happened you were now fully aware that your barely clothed chest was pressed against his. You throat felt dry as you looked down at his expression. "Shit...this is bad.."

"Gaara..." you breathed hand moving to his cheeks. Without warning you leaned in connecting your lips with his in a soft kiss. His eyes were wide as he watched your close eyelids in disbelief.

"W-What is she doing in such a state..."

Your hands moved to his chest as your gripped the red fabric, deepening the kiss.

Gaara's brows knitted together, eyes closing as he groaned softly. Your grip on his clothing didn't slacken as you continued to kiss him with vigor, leg shifting between his. When your lips finally separated both you and Gaara were panting heavily.

Eyes half lidded you licked your lips. "More..." you murmured. Gaara seemed to collect himself as he moved to get up. Both your hands pushed him into the mattress, leaning down to whisper into his ear.

"(Y-Y/N)-san!" he sounded startled. You shook your head with a smirk. "I finally caught you Gaara~" you teased in a sing song tone.

He grunted when you ran your tongue against the shell of his ear. "I won't let you escape."

Moving lower you made sure your chest was still firmly pressing on him as you got closer to his neck. Your tongue darted out as you placed an open mouth kiss on his pale skin.

Gaara was desperately trying not to squirm as you continued your assault. You pulled away to gauge his breathless reaction. A layer of sweat was gathering on his forehead.

"Heh it's not fun when it's happening to you is it." you taunted. He glared at you weakly.

"Don't worry...." you purred mouth hovering inches from his.

"(Y/N)-CHAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO GAARA!!!" a vein popped on your forehead.


"So much for revenge."

~Time skip~

You were grumbling as you stood in front of Gaara's desk, Naruto by your side still stunned from what he had seen.

"I was so close to!! I don't think I've ever seen such and expression on Gaara's face."

Gaara coughed into his fist. "Well I hope you both have a safe trip back." He spoke nonchalantly.

Both you and Naruto blanched. "He sure is good at avoiding things." a bead of sweat ran down your head as you giggled to yourself.

"I really hope we see each other more often Gaara." you smirked at him as he looked away.

" do I." you squealed, internally cheering  yourself. "Mission accomplished!!"

"(Y/N)-chan, I think you've been reading a little too much of Kakashi-sensei's pervy books." Naruto said with a blush. He couldn't erase what he had seen.

"Y-Your one to talk your mentor is the writer of those books!!" you accused.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Gaara I got you something." running to his desk you stood in front of him motioning him to stand. He obeyed rising to his feet.

You opened your palm gesturing him to hold out his hand. He did, watching you skeptically.

Reaching out you pulled him by the arm down to your level placing a kiss on his cheek. He flushed, eyes growing wide.

Naruto sputtered waving his hand around frantically.

"(Y/N)-chan s-stop attacking Gaara!!" you ignored him smiling as you released Gaara.

"Until next time Kazekage-sama~" without another word you took Naruto's hand waving to Gaara as you exited his office. The red haired ninja was still standing looking at the empty area with a dazed expression. A small smile made it's way on his lips as he placed a hand on his cheek.

"Until next time (Y/N)-san.."

~On the way to Konoha~

"By the way Naruto.." you paused, turning in his direction. "If you tell anyone about this I'll bury your body somewhere no one will find." you said sweetly. Naruto gulped body shaking in fear.


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