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Name: greed
Nickname: greedy pants
Age: 190,000
Gender: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: sin

Name: greed Nickname: greedy pants Age: 190,000Gender: female Sexuality: pansexual Species: sin Looks:

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Personality:is very greedy, but she is nice and caring. She just doesn't like to share a whole lot
Height: 5,5
Weight: 245
Likes: food, books, presents, anime, movies, anything really
Dislikes: sharing, gettin things taken away from her
Turn ons: spanking, pet kink, rough teasing
Turn offs: rushing things, sharing
Weapons or powers: can control someone's need to have something or not
Smut, yes or no: no
Occupation: to be a fuckin border
Family: the sins
Friends: the sins and you
Pets: has like 20 cats
Backstory: a scientist thought he could make the seven sins into a living being, when he did the sins killed him, they all found a house and started to live together getting used to the human world
Other: her room has a few piles of random stuff and she has a crush on envy

Scenario 1: you were going on date with this boy who all your friends said he would just take your virginity. You were gonna wear this beautiful dress but you couldn't find it. You asked all the sins but greed if they had it but all of them said

Scenario 2: make it up

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