The nerd(M)

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Name: Damien Miller
Nickname: Mike
Age: 16
Gender: male
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: human

Name: Damien Miller Nickname: Mike Age: 16Gender: male Sexuality: pansexual Species: human Looks:

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Personality: is a pretty sweet guy, he loves to hang out in the library and is very smart. But socially awkward, but once you get to know him he's a very sweet and sensitive guy. He try's to be brave but is kinda a coward, but he's sooooo sweet and caring! Like he would give his life for the ones he cares about
Height: 5'3
Weight: 144
Likes: sweet tea, blueberry muffins, cafés, reading
Dislikes: bullies, jerks, chocolate, movies
Turn ons: virgin
Turn offs: virgin
Weapons or powers: none
Smut, yes or no: no
Occupation: works at a coffee shop
Family: dad(Michael Miller)
Friends: none
Pets: has a husky named cookie
Backstory: his mom had left him and his father around the age of 4, his father became very drunk and unstable. Going out with hookers and sometimes bringing Damien with him and sometimes forgetting Damien there at the stripper club. His dad around the age of 12 his dad started to hit and beat Damien as he started to engulf himself in books, bullies in eighth grade started up just making things worse. High school came around as the beating from his dad and bullies still pounding on his back. He lost most of his friends as he found a small husky under a trailer hiding and bleeding. So he took care of the poor dog but his dad would kill him if he found out Damien had a dog so now he hides the dog from his dad.
Other: his dad owns a trailer park and owns around 5 trailers. One which he lives in and overs or to either lock up Damien or store things.

Scenario 1: you were struggling in math, your math teacher told you she got you a tutor. She told you to go to the library after school and you did just so. When you walked in some jocks were holding a book away from a boy trying to grab

Scenario 2: make it up

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