The ghost(F)

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Name: Harley foster
Nickname: bunny
Age: 17
Gender: female
Sexuality: pansexual
Species: ghost

Name: Harley foster Nickname: bunny Age: 17Gender: female Sexuality: pansexual Species: ghost Looks:

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Personality: cold, sensitive, over protective, actually caring and a worry wart. She's super cold at first and shy, but she does like to mess with people. Like a lot, she will move a chair or change a position of something or stop all the clocks at 3:07 a.m . She's super sensitive and can take something to heart quickly wether it be good or bad. She is very and I mean very over protective of the people she cares for. She hates to see people she cares for and she not being able to do anything. She is actually super sweet and worries a lot.
Height: 5'1
Weight: she weights nothing
Likes: bunnies, black, books, messing with people
Dislikes: different ghost, people coming in her space
Turn ons: none
Turn offs: none
Weapons or powers: she can move things, go threw walls, posses things
Smut, yes or no: no
Occupation: being a ghost
Family: mom(Isa foster) dad(Edd foster)
Friends: none
Pets: none
Backstory: she had a normal family, a normal life. She was the emo of the school and was teased a lot but nothing much. She had great friends, but her something her friends did that she could never forgive them for. Her friends dragged her a party for rich people, since most of her friends where rich and such. Well for most of the party she stayed on the back and never really talked to anyone. All her friends where getting drunk and such, a boy walked up to her and asked her if they could hang out. He make chit chat with Harley, they walked outside and the other male started to lead her back, now Harley soon noticed and was about to ask before he pinned her against the wall and started to harass her. Harshly kicked him in the stomach and started to run, out of panic and fear of her telling others he pulled a gun on her. He shot her, she was sent to the hospital and was going to die anyway so her parents brought her home as the next day she died.
Other: she died in her cloths, she has this silver necklace that she's connected to.

Scenario 1: you and your family had been kicked out of her house, so you guys found this nice country house. You guys had spent all day and night moving in, you both had finally settled down and things where pretty quiet in the House. The next day you where walking around the property and found a sliver necklace, you found it cute/cool so you started to wear it. Stuff started to move to room to room, things started to go missing. Photos would fall off the walls, soon when you where walking down her hallway you heard small footsteps then a door slamming

Scenario 2: make it up

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