The rockstar(F)

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Name: Alexander sparks
Nickname: Alex
Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Species: human

Name: Alexander sparks Nickname: AlexAge: 19Gender: female Sexuality: bisexual Species: human Looks:

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Personality: very chill and calm, she isn't the type to hold a grudge. She actually forgives people way to much and gives people a second chance even when they don't deserve it. She actually does have a temper but it isn't that bad. When she's depressed, she's in her own little world. You can't get her out of it, she's just quiet when she's normally loud and normal speaks her mind
Height: 5'5
Weight: 145
Likes: her guitar, making songs, red, black, cats, her band mates, her fans
Dislikes: her face, her family, girlish things, tea
Turn ons: none
Turn offs:none
Weapons or powers: has a switch blade
Smut, yes or no: no
Occupation: a rockstar
Family: dad(Sam sparks)
Friends: her band mates
Pets: none
Backstory: she grew up in a harsh house hold, her mother had died of a car crash and her brother moved away and leaving her with her father. Her father would drink and do drugs a lot, he one time came home when Alex was 12 he came home drunk. He cut up her face leaving deep scars and even making her go blind in one eye. She ran off almost dying by her neighbor found her and took her to the hospital. She was taken away from her father and lived with her neighbor, she was pretty fine but in school was harsh and was like a battle zone, so she got into music. She soon met her band mates who through out middle school and high school played together. Once they got out of high school they started a band together.
Other: then band name is 'bloody stars', she always covers her face with her hair

Scenario 1: so you had never listened to bloody stars, but your friend was a huge fan of it. So one night she begged and begged you to go with her to a concert for the band. You agreed and got ready, she got you both tickets and dragged you there. While on the way there she played some of their songs, they weren't that bad sounding. Once you got there and found your seats. There was a lot of people there actually, the band started to

Scenario 2: make it up

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