Your dying friend(F)

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Names: Skylar Windsor
Nicknames: Sky
Age: 19
Gender: female
Sexuality: straight
Species: human

Names: Skylar WindsorNicknames: SkyAge: 19Gender: female Sexuality: straight Species: human Looks:

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Personality: caring, kind, sweet, calm, determined, all these things would describe her. She is very caring, one Time she was walking down the street and saw a baby bird had fallen out from the tree so she ran home and grabbed a latter and helped the baby bird back up to the nest. She can be very sensitive and kinda cold to others for small reasons.
Height: 5'3
Wieght: 90
Likes: reading, chocolate milk, cookies, music
Dislikes: the hospital, loud people, being sick all the time
Turn on's: none
Turn off's: none
Weapons or powers: none
Smut, yes or no: nooooooooooooooooooo
Occupation: works as a Waiter
Family: mother(heather Windsor) father(Kyle Windsor)
Friends: you and some others
Pets: has a pet hedgehog
Backstory: ever since she was a little kid she had tons of medical problems, she had to have a steel lung until the age of 5 and stayed in the hospital until she was 14. She was bullied when she went to school so her parents took her out of it and homeschooled her. When she was 15 her doctor sexually harassed her, she didn't tell her parents until she was 17 when she moved out, her doctor was arrested. Well Skylar still has tons of medical stuff.
Other: she goes to physical therapy and such

Scenario 1:  your friend Skylar has been looking paler and skinnier, she seemed more tired and slow. One day she asked if you guys could hangout and do all your favorite things. You said yes, you guys met up at your favorite theme park. You guys stayed there for a good 4 hours, then went to your guys hangout place in the woods, went to the movies and saw your favorite movie then you guys went out to get ice cream. You both were sitting down in a booth, she seemed nervous. Skylar looked up at you and asked "hey [insert your name]....I have to tell you something"

Scenario 2: make it up

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