The orphan(M)

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Name: Zachary woodloft
Nickname: Zach
Age: 10
Gender: male
Sexuality: doesn't know
Species: human

Name: Zachary woodloft Nickname: Zach Age: 10 Gender: male Sexuality: doesn't know Species: human Looks:

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Personality: cute, cuddly, kind, innocent. He's super cute and sweet, he wants to help people but gets scared to easily. He wants cuddles, he loves cuddles. He's very innocent- kinda....due to his past. His life isn't innocent but trust people to easily but to people he only finds un harmful. He's very oblivious also, like. Doesn't understand somethings Since his Brain is a bit slow. He was dropped on his head so that would explain some things. But he does have a big mouth when upset, he often gets beat up because of it.
Height: 4'11
Weight: 70
Likes: reading, playing, snow, tv, cuddles
Dislikes: his mom, yelling, fire, loud noises
Turn ons: virgin
Turn offs: virgin
Weapons or powers: none
Smut, yes or no: no
Occupation: none
Family: mother(crystal Woodloft)
Friends: some of the kids at the orphanage
Pets: none
Backstory: his mother was a stripper, and his father. Was a C.E.O so...yeah. His mother didn't want Zach to keep Zach but his father made her. Well once Zach was born, he lived with his mother has his father just left. Leaving them, well Zach's mother was extremely abusive towards him. He couldn't go to school do to his mom not being able to afford to send him, well when Zach was 9, his mother dropped him off at a sketchy gas station. Leaving him, the cashier called child protective services and Zach was put in  an orphanage.
Other: he needs glasses, gets into fights with older kids

Scenario 1: things started to feel empty in your life, things felt more lonely. So you decided to adopt a kid. You left your house one morning and went to the local orphanage. You walked in as a nice old lady walked over to you. "Hello! Welcome to willow tree orphanage how can I help you today?" She said

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