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Those words echoed through Scrooge's head. "Something's happened" Scrooge walked with the nurse. The ducklings followed behind all with worried faces. Finally arriving at their location. Right outside of Dewey's door.

The nurse looked at the ducklings and said, "Mr. Mcduck you need to see him before permitting the kids. I also need to inform you of something. In private." Scrooge nodded as she led him in Dewey's room. Dewey was still peacefully asleep and seemed fine. The nurse quickly looked at Dewey before speaking again.

Dewey, though still unconscious, could hear everything that was going on outside. He couldn't see anyone though. All he could see was white. Everywhere it was white. He was scared out of his mind. He knew that shaking Bills hand was a mistake. He just needed to know how to wake up. He was walking around aimlessly in the white void of nothingness.

"Hello?!" He yelled. No response. "Hello??!!! Is anyone there???!!". He fell to the ground and started crying, "Huey?! Louie?! Uncle Donald?! Webby?! Scrooge?! Launchpad?! ANYONE? IM SORRY!!" He yelled once more.

"Geez kid you're being such a drama queen" Dewey looked up shocked by the sudden voice. There was a triangle floating. It was yellow and it had an eye, bowtie, top hat, and a cane.

'This is just like that statue!! This must be Bill!" Dewey thought.

"Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!! Im Bill and you're a color coded duck!" Bill said looking down at Dewey. Dewey looked up and wasn't sure on whether to trust Bill or not; after all Bill was the only one he could talk to and get answers from at the moment.

"Uh, can I trust you.. or are you a bad guy..." Dewey asked nervously.

Bill looked into the distance, "Please, call me a friend."

Dewey smiled a bit, he didn't know why, but he felt like he could trust Bill.

Bill sat down next to Dewey before saying, "So Bluey, anything you wanna know?"

Dewey sighed and replied with, "Actually yeah.. am I.. ever going to wake up?"

Bill answered, "Yeah you will. In at least an hour or maybe three. But you'll be fine kid" Dewey was relieved, he knew he was going to be ok. Then the voices started returning. He was no longer alone in the outside world, he recognized Scrooge's voice but the lady was unfamiliar.

"So what happened?" Scrooge asked desperately. The nurse looked at him before reading the report.

"Well physically he's fine. He has no broken bones, no internal bleeding. He does have a few bruises from falling and we suspect that was because of the rocky ground seeing as you were in a forest. He has some cuts that should heal up quick and he's overall fine. But the thing is that, there is no reason for why he collapsed, there isn't any injury. At least physically."

The nurse then brought out a sheet with the regular duck brain along with a scan of Dewey's brain.

"Here we have the average duck, in this area is where the brain comes up with dreams." She pointed at the normal duck sheet before switching to Dewey's. "See, this part of your nephews brain seems to have expanded and overlapped the part of the brain that helps a Duck distinguish fiction from reality. This has never happened before and we don't know how it will effect him but we suspect it shouldn't cause any harm. However we will need a checkup. This was most likely caused by something magical meaning that even thought it would be scientifically impossible. This could make it difficult for him to tell reality apart from his dreams and imagination."

Scrooge sighed, "So he's delusional". The nurse nodded. He stood there with a worried look. He finally said, "Well it was in fact, a magical occurrence. Do you suppose that it could be healed? If I found the right artifact."

The nurse looked at Scrooge, before replying, "Yes I believe so, the effects might not be completely permanent, but if he does end up confusing fiction and reality it would only get worse before it gets better. We will need you to being him in for weekly checkups and if necessary we will provide medication and see if it helps." Scrooge nodded tearfully knowing that at least Dewey would still be alive. He had just fainted out of nowhere when he touched that dream demon. Scrooge didn't know it was a dream demon in that statue, but he did know that it was surrounded by dark twisted magic and that it was extremely dangerous.

Dewey was crying, "Bill I'm scared!! I want to be ok!! Why did this happen when I shook your hand?! Did you do this to me"

Bill moved in front of Dewey and looked at him, "Bluey, I'm a dream demon. Which probably explains the confusing dreams with reality part. But I never wanted to hurt you. I'll help you figure out whats real and not real kid, you'll be fine." As soon as Bill said that, Dewey felt reassured. Dewey opened his arms up asking Bill for a hug. Bill went forward and hugged Dewey back, sort of, well, he's a triangle so it's hard for him to hug. Dewey had never trusted anyone this quickly before. Normally he had to learn about someone's personality a but before becoming official friends with them. But with Bill it felt different.. almost like he wasn't controlling who he trusted.

Suddenly the white void that surrounded them started darkening.

"B-Bill whats happening?!" Dewey yelled, scared.

"You're waking up!! And sooner then I thought too! Bon-voyage!!" Dewey looked at Bill nervously.

"But I kinda wanna stay now!" He yelled nervously.

"You're family is out there probably worried sick! You need to pay them a visit. Besides, you'll see me next time you go to sleep."

"Oh, ok. See you then I guess!" He replied still a bit worried. Bill waved as Dewey started fading. Dewey waved back smiling.

Dewey was fidgeting in the hospital bed. Twitching and breathing heavy.

Scrooge ran over and held his hand, "I'm here Lad, I'm here!" Scrooge was looking at Dewey with hope in eyes. He wanted Dewey to wake up so badly.

"U-Uncle S-scr-crooge?" Dewey said, in a raspy voice. Scrooge smiled, happy that Dewey was conscious again. The nurse went out to get a doctor. Dewey heard the door close and looked at Scrooge with worried eyes.

"You'll stay right? You'll stay with me.. Uncle Scrooge I'm scared." Dewey said his voice starting to go back to normal but with a sad tone.

Scrooge teared up, "I'll always be here for you, Dewey"

Dewey smiled, "where are the others?" He questioned.

Scrooge looked towards the door and replied, "they're outside the door, the nurse was having a private conversation with me."

Dewey looked at the door longingly, "Can they come in? I wanna see them" suddenly the doctors and nurses came in and started looking at doctory stuff and running tests. Dewey was startled by the commotion and reached out clinging onto Scrooge. The doctors took the test results and left to analyze it. Two nurses stayed in the room to make sure nothing happened while they were gone.

"Can I let the kids in?" Scrooge asked, the nurses nodded and went to open the door.


Obviously Im no doctor

I know nothing of duck brains so bare with me Im sorry XDDDD

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