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I'm just going to make it clear that
Bebby is Bill possessing Webby
(Creative I know)
Just wanted to clear that up!!
Mkay I think thats all!
Webby looked down, to find herself floating. "OH NO!!" She panicked, looking down to see her body smiling wickedly at her. "Bill!! This wasn't our deal!!" She yelled, furious. Bebby cackled, "I believe it was, you never said I couldn't possess you!! And if I'm inside your body then you aren't the one harming anyone, now are you!!" Webby floated down and tried to slap Bebby, but her hand went right through. Webby was shaky, and she was trying to calm down, she started taking deep breaths. Bebby looked up at Webby, "You're basically a ghost kid, and I don't plan on reversing it anytime soon!" Bebby smiled, and walked away. Webby followed, though she had calmed down, she feared for the lives of her family.

Bebby wandered down the halls of the mansion, searching for the living room. When she found it she sat down on a chair and watched the tv. Huey looked over, "Where's Dewey?" He asked, Bebby looked over at him, "He was to busy with something." She said flatly, Huey raised an eyebrow, Webby was normally more specific and excited. "What was he busy doing?" He asked, "A scavenger hunt." She replied. Huey still wasn't buying it, "and who hid everything?" Bebby looked over at him with an annoyed  expression, "Me, that's why I was gone for so long!" Huey took a good look at Bebby, "what's up with your eyes?" He asked, Bebby scowled at Huey, "I'm trying new eye contacts to make me look fierce!" She said with a growl. Huey looked at her, "You don't need eye contacts or glasses though." He said, "These aren't a prescription. They're for fun!" She said before throwing herself back. Huey finally lowered himself and sank into the couch again.

Webby was following Bebby everywhere all day, planning things out in her head. Trying to annoy Bill to the point where he would give her her body back. Bebby knew what was going on in her head and just smiled at Webby and carried on.

Eventually it was nightfall and everyone was suspicious over the fact that none of them could find Dewey. Huey and Louie were sent out to find him for dinner. They wandered down the halls calling out for him. "Dewey!! Where are you?! It's dinner time!!!" Louie called out while running out of breath, "Why do mansions have to be so... big?!" He complained, Huey looked at Louie as he fell onto his knees catching his breath. "Because if they weren't they wouldn't be mansions." Huey sighed, they had searched every room and headed back to the dining room, "We can't find him!" Huey said, dragging Louie in, "It's like he disappeared!!"

Scrooge furrowed his brow, "He has to be somewhere... did you search the garden? He was headed that way last I saw of him!" Huey facepalmed and Louie simply said, "no we forgot.." Scrooge sighed and said "Well let's all ho out there and get him, Webbigail, you can stay inside incase he comes in." Scrooge ordered, Ms. Beakley looked at Webby, she knew something was up with her granddaughter. "I'll stay in and search with Webby too." She said, wrapping her arm around Bebby.

Webby's eyes lit up with hope, her granny would know it wasn't her. So she watched and followed them. "Webby" Beakley said, while they roamed the corridors. "Yes Granny?" Bebby asked, she was going to have to act like Webby now, Bebby knew Beakley was smart. Beakley looked down at Bebby, "You don't seem yourself today, did something happen?" She questioned, Bebby didn't look up and kept walking forwards, "No, everything's fine! I'm just worried about Dewey!" Beakley stopped walking and held Bebby's shoulders while staring straight into her eyes. "Who are you?" She asked, Bebby looked away, Beakley turned her face towards her again. "I repeat, who are you, And where is my granddaughter?!" She asked staring darkly into Bebby's eyes. "I don't know what you mean! It's me Webby!" Bebby said, Beakley tightened her grip, "I know you don't have contacts on, and I know you're possessing Webby. Don't think I'm stupid. I will find a way to get her back!" Beakley said, Bebby glared and then cackled at her.

"Whoops you caught me!! Hey there! Names Bill!" Bebby's voice sounded more distorted. Beakley tightened her grip even harder, "Bring my granddaughter back IMMEDIATELY!!" Beakley demanded, while Bebby laughed. Webby was watching, she knew her Granny would know. But how would she get back in her body. Bebby kept laughing until saying, "Well I'm afraid that I can't let that happen!! However I can send her away so that when her body is up for grabs.. she won't be getting it back! How would you like that? You're granddaughters spirit floating around in a random location, invisible with no way for you to ever find her!!" Beakley slammed Bebby into a wall, "You wouldn't dare" she said, threateningly. "But I believe I would!" Bebby then snapped her fingers. Webby found herself above the woods. She didn't know what woods, and she couldn't see the mansion anywhere in sight. "Oh no.." she floated down to the ground and sat down. "What do I do?!" She teared up, as she looked around.

Beakley stared at Bebby as if she were to kill her. "What did you do?!" She asked, Bebby laughed and said, "Isn't it obvious? I made her vanish! You'll never get her back now!!" She laughed, Beakley took a rope from her apron and tied Bebby up, "you're coming with me." She stated, as she walked towards the dining room.

As she arrived she saw Scrooge and the boys with very worried faces, "We couldn't find him." Scrooge said, suddenly taking notice of Beakley holding a tied up Bebby, "Beakley, what are you doing to Webbigail?" He asked. Beakley put Bebby in a chair and took more rope tying her to it. Everyone looked at her confused, "This, is not Webby" Huey walked over, "What do you mean?" Bebby cackled, Beakley simply replied, "She's been possessed by Bill, and her spirit is somewhere else, we may never see her again." They all gasped, Beakley looked away, Scrooge walked up, "Bentina, I'm so sorry. We'll get the old Webbigail back. No one gets hurt tonight, she'll be alright." He said while patting her back. Beakley turned her head sharply, "Then what about Dewey, so far Dewey's missing, and technically so is Webby!" Scrooge sighed and looked down, "I'm sorry Bentina.. I don't know what to do.." he said, as he retreated to his room, "everyone to bed, we'll send out a search party tomorrow." He yawned and retreated to his bedroom, as did everyone else. Beakley took Bebby of course.

Webby was swimming through the trees, "what if Dewey is nearby?!" She said, longing for her family. She missed him, but she also missed everyone else. Suddenly a wooden cabin came into view. She saw a bear carrying Dewey inside. Her eyes glistened with hope, she flew into the cabin and watched over Dewey, she even watched as the bear, apparently named Mary, talked to Bill. Bill knew she was there, and he had purposely made her go in this direction. Webby realized that if Bill was here, then her body at home was asleep, and up for grabs.

She raced out of the cabin memorizing the location, as she headed towards the mansion suddenly a force field stopped her. Bill appeared, "you know to much kid! You aren't leaving anytime soon!" He laughed before disappearing. She retreated back to the cabin to find a way to contact Dewey and let him know she was there.

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