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Webbidoll is what I'm calling Webby possessing the doll because it sounds kinda like Webbigail and I'm all about them terrible puns that might not even be considered puns 👍

Dewey woke up, on the ground. He looked around at the grass and sighed. He got up and came face to face with the floating doll. "Oh uh... hi?" He said, unsure of how to react to the doll. Webbidoll pounced on him and hugged him, "DEWEEYYY!" She squealed in happiness. "I've missed you so much!!" She did a little dance while Dewey stared in confusion. "Uh.. you're Flippy right? That's what Bill said your name was.. but you sound like Webby?!" He was uber confused. Webbidoll turned to Dewey with an 'are you serious' look.

"Dewey, I AM Webby!" She said, with hope that he would believe her. Dewey squinted his eyes, "tell me something that only Webby would know." He demanded as proof. Webbidoll sighed and thought for a moment, before stating, "Back on Ithaquack we almost didn't go in to see Selene because you were afraid that your mom was a bad person." Dewey's eyes widened, "It really is you..." he grabbed Webbidoll and hugged her as tight as he could. "Webby, I missed you SO SO SO SO MUCH!!" He had tears of happiness flowing down his cheeks as he squeezed the poor doll. "Dewey, I missed you too!!" Webbidoll said, hugging him back but not as tight.

"But I need to tell you something!" She suddenly sounded panicked. Dewey's expression became more worried, "What's wrong?" He asked, concerned. Webbidoll grabbed on to the collar of his shirt and pulled on it out of stress, "It's Bill!! He's planning something really bad and we need to stop him!!" She said with the most serious tone he had ever heard her use. "Webby that's impossible! Bill is my friend, he's not evil." Dewey noticed that Webbidoll was looking at him as though he had spoken a dead language that not even she knew. "What do you mean, he's your friend?!" She was confused, how could Dewey possibly think Bill was a good guy after everything that's happened. "Well after that whole statue thing he started helping me get through it.. he's always been there for me. Plus he's super nice." Webby wanted to break the truth to Dewey and she was about to; however just when she was going to say it, the world flashed gray and Bill was behind Dewey staring at her with his fingers ready to snap. She gulped, and remained quiet. "So Bill says that I'll be able to get out of the woods once I find everything on this list and I need your help." Dewey looked over at Webbidoll with hope that she would help him, she simply nodded. It brought joy to the young boy no less.

It had been a day and Webbidoll had helped Dewey find a lot of the things on the list, which surprised him. If he had known Webby knew all of this Dewey would have asked Bill to send her in the beginning.

Dewey was currently walking while Webbidoll rested in his bag since she was tired. Either that or she just wanted a break. Dewey kept walking until he stepped on a sharp rock, he started trying to hop without stepping on his foot and fell backwards in to a spiky bush that had lost its leaves. His shirt snagged on the branches and left a tear as he got up and decided to deal with the pain. As he trudged on a certain duckling grabbed the tear off of the bush and ran with it.

"Well we're going faster with the list than I was able to on my own!" Dewey said, excited. He started running towards something when he tripped over his own feet, when he got up and started walking Webbidoll noticed that he had a limp. She knew for a fact that he didn't have that before all this Bill stuff happened. "Dewey you have a limp" she said, a little worry in her voice. "I.. I know." He simply said as he picked up a glowing chain and placed it in his bag. "What happened?" Webbidoll asked, as Dewey crossed it off of the list and put an X over it on the map. "Oh.. uh I was being chased by a bear and my foot got stuck in rock." He said casually as if it was a normal thing. "Wait what?! Was it that Mary bear?" She asked. "Yeah it was, isn't she super sweet? She's to protective though." Webbidoll looked at Dewey with immense worry, he really was clueless. "Dewey she works for Bill, she's only doing what Bill tells her to." Webbidoll thought this would convince him that Mary was evil, but she had forgotten one important thing. Dewey's face lit up "Oh really?! Wow Bill really is a great friend if he made sure someone was there to help me when I got hurt!" Webbidoll sighed, this wasn't how she pictured this going. "Dewey Bill's evil! He's been using you this entire time; he isn't your friend! He's playing mind games on us and making life worse for everyone! He's planning something big and we need to stop him!" She yelled, realizing that she had broken her deal, as the world turned gray. Dewey didnt notice the drain of color and looked at Webbidoll with a surprised and somewhat hurt look. "How can you say that? He's..always...been.....there...." he looked around and saw Bill in the air, purely red. This wasn't good.

"What did I say Flippy?! Don't be quiet and you'll be punished!" Webbidoll burned up and her spirit was left invisible. "Oh no" she said out of fear. Suddenly Bebby came around the corner and fell to the ground, as if they were dead. Webby rushed and grabbed control of her body. "YES!! I'M BACK!!!" She yelled excitedly. Bill snapped his fingers and she passed out, the glowing chains in Dewey's bag flew out and into Bill's hands. Dewey was surprised and didn't know what to do, this wasn't the Bill he knew. Bill snapped his fingers and the chain wrapped around Webby making it to where she was unable to move. "Man my powers aren't as restricted in this dimension!! This is awesome!! Now.. what to do with you?!"

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