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OI WOOWWOOK U GUYS ARE AWESOME!! Thank you so much for reading!!

It had been a few days, maybe 2, maybe 3, nobody really knew, and nobody really cared. All they knew was that Dewey's hand was still broken, but also much better. They also knew that he had had 4 episodes.(episodes are those confusing fiction non-fiction things) Dewey was walking around the garden enjoying such a beautiful day. He found it peaceful, and comforting. While he would've normally preferred to be out doing cool stuff, today he felt different, he felt like relaxing. It was then when he sat down on a bench, he noticed color drain from the entire world. Time seemed to have stopped, and everything was black and white.

Dewey started getting a little freaked out, until he saw a familiar yellow triangle appear. "BILL!" Dewey yelled with excitement, as he ran up to Bill and hugged him. "Hey there kid! Thought I'd pay you a visit!" Bill said, tipping his hat. Dewey ran over and sat on the bench again, "I didn't know you could do this! Its so cool!! How have you not done it before around me?" Dewey asked, looking up at Bill. Bill replied, "I did! When you first woke me! Remember?" Dewey looked down and fiddled with his thumbs, "I guess so.."

Dewey and Bill talked for a while. "Hey Bluey, do you think you could do me a favor?" Bill asked, looking at Dewey, who was startled by the sudden question and replied,"Oh uh, of course! What do you need?" He looked away feeling a churn in his stomach as if something wasn't right. "It's not that much, its just, as a demon I can't really get any real items. Seeing as what I create only exists in dreams! So I was hoping you could bring me the items on this list!" Bill said with a slight subtly cackle. He handed a paper to Dewey, who took it and examined the odd items. "Bill, I've never even heard of most of these... how am I supposed to get them?" Bill then put his arm around Dewey's shoulders, "trust me kid, you'll find them! You can always ask me for help if you need it!" He did a finger gun at Dewey who finger gunned back, "alright.. I'll do it!" Dewey agreed, Bill held out his hand where a blue flame sat, "we got a deal then?" He asked, Dewey looked at Bills hand remembering something Bill had told him, "you said you could possess someone if you held their hand right? Bill do you promise you won't possess me?" Dewey asked, Bill looked at before stating, "I promise" Bill held his hand out once more, Dewey put his hand out shaking Bills, confirming the deal.

Dewey let go, relieved. This was, the confirmation Dewey needed, the confirmation that he could trust Bill. At first Dewey was a tad suspicious, but Bill having the ability to possess Dewey just like that and then keeping his promise... it made Dewey happy, he had found a friend. A friend that only he had, a friend he didn't have to share. Dewey stuffed the paper in his pocket. He waved goodbye to Bill, who waved back. As color returned to the world, and everything started moving again, Dewey walked back towards the mansion.

He walked inside the mansion, coming face to face with Scrooge. "Where ya been Lad? I've been calling you for 5 minutes!" 'Five minutes? Time stopped so I guess he was calling me before I was distracted.' Dewey thought. "Oh sorry Uncle Scrooge! I was walking around the garden. What is it that you need?" Dewey asked, "Well I needed you to take some medication! Its time and you should know the schedule by now." Scrooge replied, he handed Dewey a pill. Dewey looked at it in disgust, "Uncle Scrooge, I'm sure I'm fine!" Scrooge wasn't buying it, "You're not as good at lying at Louie, take it and you can be on your way" "Can I at least have water with it? It's hard for me to swallow." Dewey asked, Scrooge sighed and led Dewey to the kitchen. He got a glass of water and Dewey took it. Dewey then left yelling, "THANKS UNCLE SCROOGE!" Scrooge went on doing his business.

Dewey however decided to find somewhere private to see what was on the list. Dewey decided to go in the woods to look, incase one of the items was located in the woods. He ventured out a good distance before stopping and sitting against a large tree. He took out the list and began to skim through it, stopping at something he found familiar. "Aha! Fresh blueberries picked fresh from the bush!" Dewey felt triumphant and decided to get up and get them until he read at the bottom that all the items must be collected in the order listed. Dewey groaned, he looked at the first item, "A piece of a dead cursed creature?!" He said in disbelief, "where the heck am I supposed to get... ohh wait!" His face lit up as he remembered, "That money dragon thing from when we first met scrooge broke into pieces! I can just get a small piece of that! It fell in the money bin!" Dewey was proud of himself for figuring something like that out. He got up and looked around, realizing that he didn't recognize his surroundings. "Awh shoot, this is why Scrooge says to study our surroundings..." He sighed, walking around searching for anything familiar.

He was lost.

In the woods.


or was he

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