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Louie reached his arm out for Huey, seeing his brother run off, not even noticing he was gone. Louie gathered himself and started walking through the woods. He tried calling out for Huey, but nobody responded. He tried calling for Webby, but nobody responded. He tried calling for Donald, Scrooge, Launchpad, Mrs. Beakley, and even Dewey, but nobody was there. He felt truly alone, and he was. He kept wandering aimlessly.

Louie walked on and on, until he found a map. He picked the map up and looked at it. It had a list of things and where they were. "Someone's going to be upset they lost this." He smirked and shrugged. He examined the map closely before noticing that someone had written something on the back. "What's this.." he wondered, reading it aloud, "property of Dewey Duck" Louie gasped, and then had a genuine smile, he had a clue to finding his brother.

Louie was searching for one of the items on the map; however, he couldn't exactly figure out how to use it. He couldn't tell where he was on it or how to get to said location. He checked his phone and there was no data anywhere. He sighed and continued on without a clue on what to do. Louie heard a rustle in the bushes, he stared and waited for whatever it was to go away. He was hoping it would be like one of those scenes where you think a big creature is there and then there's a bunny, he was wrong.

A bear crawled out of the bush, calmly though. It was a cub. Louie looked at the bear with a little fear, this was a cub, it couldn't hurt him. "H-Hey there little fellow, don't mind me I'm just doing my own thing.." He slowly walked away, until the bear got on two legs and started talking. "There isn't a reason to be afraid, I'm not one of those bears." He said, "I'm Tyrone, what's your name?" He held out his paw for Louie to shake. Louie came closer and shook his hand. "I'm Louie, nice to meet you Tyrone." He smiled, glad that the bear wasn't a threat.

"So what are you doing out here Louie?" Tyrone asked, as they started walking in an anonymous direction. "Oh I'm looking for my brothers.. one of them went missing so me and my other brother came out here to find him and now we're both separated and lost." Louie looked down at the ground, a sad look on his face. Tyrone faced Louie with a reassuring look, "It'll be alright dude, I'll help you find your brothers!" He said before asking, "What do they look like?" Louie chuckled, "Well we're triplets so they have the same face as me. Huey wears red, and Dewey wears blue. Oh and Huey has a red cap while Dewey has his hair swept back. But other than that, we pretty much  look the same." Louie sighed. Tyrone looked at him with a determined smile, "We'll find them! I'm good at recognizing faces so if all three of you have the same face, it'll be easy peasy!" He shouted with enthusiasm. Louie smiled, Tyrone brought some positivity that he hadn't seen in a while.

They were walking through the woods endlessly, until Louie decided they needed a break. "So why are you out here? I mean you just decided to tag along with me and you might have something to do!" Louie asked, slouching on a makeshift leaf couch. "Oh, well.. I sorta ran away from home, and now I'm lost so I don't know where I'm headed but I know I ran into you for a reason!" Tyrone answered with happiness. Louie looked at him worried, "Why would you run away?" He asked. Tyrone looked at him with a bit of fear and sadness, "I don't wanna talk about it..."

Louie and Tyrone kept walking until coming across a pathway. "A pathway!! This is great! We can follow it back to Duckburg and find my Uncle Scrooge and Donald!" Louie yelled with excitement, "Wait which way is which..." Louie tried to remember anything Huey had said about a situation like this, then he noticed the moss. "Ahah! Moss grows on the north side of trees.. so that way is north!" Louie extended his arm and pointed towards the path and started running towards the north. Tyrone followed him until they came across a slight problem, the pathway ended.

Louie looked over and saw a cottage. "Hey look! I bet someone in there could help us!" He started running over until Tyrone stopped him, "nooo!! We can't go in there!" He warned with fear. "What?! Why not?!" Louie asked, surprised at the cubs sudden actions. "That's where I used to live... I want to stay as far away as possible from that house." Tyrone started backing away. Louie followed him, trusting that whoever was in there wouldn't actually help.

It was then that the door swung open. Tyrone's eyes widened in fear as he started running towards the woods in a fast hurry. Louie looked back and stayed where he was. A dark figure emerged from the small cabin. Tyrone huddled in a bush watching Louie to see what happened next. The figure came closer, then she spoke, "Goodness me, where have you been?! you must be freezing!" Louie looked up in confusion, this woman seemed nice, so why was Tyrone afraid? The woman looked around, "Have you seen a small bear cub? His name is Tyrone, I thought I saw him." She looked around while still standing in front of Louie. Louie shrugged, "Nope, I'm the only one out here! Sorry."

The woman looked down at him with an exasperated sigh, "Dewey what's wrong with your voice? What happened to your hair and where did you get that green hoodie?" Louie's eyes widened in shock, "Wait who are you?! How do you know Dewey?" The woman bent down and got on one knee before squinting at him. "It's me, Mary! Remember?" She looked a little harder, "I never forget a face but I think you might not be Dewey..." she got up and started leading Louie inside. Tyrone tried to signal to Louie that he needed to get away, however Louie never saw.

"My name is Louie, Dewey is my brother. We're triplets." She looked down at Louie and smiled. "Oh you're his brother? He's told me so much about you! He misses you so much! He would stay up all night crying about how he wanted his family back!" Louie looked up at her with a sad look, and then realized that he was about to enter the house. He quickly hurried back away, "I'm sorry but I'm looking for Dewey and I don't have a second to waste! I gotta go.." Mary smirked darkly, "Oh, you're not going anywhere."

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