After all these years

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There was silence. At least, that's what it felt like. Della was racing through the mansion, desperate to find someone besides Scrooge. She couldn't believe what Scrooge had told her, she wouldn't believe what Scrooge had told her. It was like all of her worst fears had come true. She had worked her tail off for ten whole years only to come to the conclusion that her boys weren't here. They were possibly dead. What if they were dead? No! They couldn't be! That's impossible! Della frantically gathered up a bunch of items from around the house and packed them in a bag. She wasn't going to just stand here and not do anything. She never gave up on the moon, she wouldn't give up on finding her boys. Even if it took her ten years to find them too.

Della finished packing and ran to the door. She saw Scrooge standing there, with a heartbroken face. She didn't blame him, it wasn't his fault. She couldn't stay mad at him no matter if she wanted to or not. She hugged Scrooge as tight as she could, he said
"Della, I'm so sorry... I hope you find them. We can all be a family again..." Della looked at hin reassuringly,
"Don't worry Uncle Scrooge. I will find them. After all, I'm Della Duck! I didn't quit then and I won't quit now!" Scrooge smiled proudly, a tear crept down his face as he stared at his niece. Della said a final goodbye with another hug and darted out the door.

As she entered the woods, she got an eery feeling. It didn't feel right being there, as if it was enchanted. She crept through the leaves silently while looking out for any sign of her boys. Scrooge had also told her to keep a lookout for a girl named Webby who would have a pink bow and a purple skirt. She also had to find Donald, who she was definitely eager to see again.

Huey and Donald were trudging through the woods. They were looking all around for a sign of the other two boys or Webby. It was then that Donald saw something peculiar. He looked through the leaves.. it looked like... but it can't be?! He saw Della's scarf, the one he had given her, but how? Wasn't she dead? Suddenly whatever was wearing the scarf stepped on something sharp and grunted
"Aw phooey"
It was her, it was really her. Donald opened the leaves and saw her, Della. He ran up to her and they came face to face for the first time in ten years. Della looked at him with a shocked expression.

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