Evil Brain

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Dewey was asleep again. In his mindscape (or so thats what Bill had called it) with Bill. He knew he was bound to wake up soon. He knew that according to the voices he had heard a few minutes ago, he was being transported back to the mansion.

"Bill, are you real?" Dewey asked, after the talk with Scrooge and what he had heard, he needed to know if Bill was real or fictional.

"Why of course I am kid! You're mind is incapable of creating a being such as myself!" Bill replied, as he created an island with a mystery Bill made up that Dewey had to solve. Dewey loved that fact that Bill could do whatever he wanted and create whatever he wanted in the mindscape. Bill was extremely nice and kept being generous to Dewey to cheer him up. Or so Dewey thought.

Soon after Dewey had solved the mystery Bill created, he woke up. Dewey looked around, he was in his bedroom, but Huey and Louie weren't there. Dewey got up and walked around the room, it was just as he had left it. It didn't seem like a single thing had moved. He lay on his bed to see if he could fall asleep and see Bill.

Then the door creaked open. Dewey was facing away from the door, so he didn't know who was behind him. He had his eyes shut trying to seem like he was sleeping.

"Dewey?" The duck said, Dewey didn't move. "Dewey, I know you're awake. You can't fool me." Dewey turned over in bed to come face to face with Webby. Webby picked Dewey up and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're ok" she said excitedly.

"Yeah uh me too" Dewey replied.

Webby giggled before yelling, "GUYS, DEWEY'S AWAKE!!" Dewey knew everyone would be in the room, and he was farther away from being able to sleep. Suddenly everyone burst in the room all hugging him. Dewey loved the attention,but he didn't want THEIR attention at the moment.

Once the group hug ended, Launchpad came up and gave Dewey a bone crushing hug.

"Dewey, don't you ever do that again! I was so worried, imagine life without my best friend." Launchpad started to tear up.

"I missed you too" Dewey managed to say while being squished.

~Le time skip brought to you by Bill Cipher~

It was almost dinner time, everyone had been all over Dewey trying to spend as much time as possible with him. Dewey was tired and couldn't take anymore attention, something he thought he would never feel. He wondered around, finally alone, and was on his way to the dining room; however, he couldn't quite remember where it was.

He was wandering aimlessly when his vision began to get foggy, he looked to his right and saw a door made of candy. Dewey fascinated with a candy door went over and started eating it.

Donald turned a corner when he saw Dewey eating a door. Or at least trying to eat a door.

Donald ran up and picked Dewey up away from the door, "Dewey, what are you doing?!"

Dewey didn't acknowledge Donald at all, but said in a hazy voice, "oh woow I can flllyyyyy" Donald knew this wasn't good, clearly Dewey didn't know Donald was there. Donald called Scrooge who showed up immediately.

"What is going on here?" Scrooge asked looking at Dewey who was licking Donald's hat.

Donald stepped towards Scrooge before replying, "I don't know! I walked in here and he was eating a door, then when I picked him up he thought he was flying, and now he's licking my hat!" Donald was clearly stressed. Scrooge picked Dewey up and pulled out some medical pills. The pills were sleeping pills, supposedly to help someone sleep.

Dewey looked at what Scrooge was holding, to him it was a dagger and the one holding it was a flying brain. Dewey started panicking, he jumped from Scrooge's arms and ran as fast as he could. He had no idea what was happening or if it was even real, it felt real though. He suddenly ran into a unicorn.

"Dewey whats wrong?!" Huey asked, Dewey was crying and running from something.

"The evil Brain is trying to stab me Princess Unicorn!" He yelled. Huey looked at Dewey and knew that this could be because of Bill. It could also be Dewey fooling around with him.

Suddenly Scrooge and Donald came running towards them.

"Aye, Huey hold him down there Lad!" Scrooge yelled as he came closer and closer. Dewey was crying even harder now, clearly terrified of something that wasn't even there. Huey held on to him as he tried to get away. Dewey let out the loudest, most high pitched, girliest scream ever. As he cried out for the Evil Brain to go away. Huey's heart broke seeing his brother in this state. He hated seeing Dewey so sad and scared, Huey felt like protecting his brother even if there wasn't really any danger.

Scrooge caught up and held Dewey who was to scared to do anything. Scrooge gave Dewey the pill. To Scrooge, Donald, and Huey it looked as it was, Scrooge had given Dewey a pill. But in Dewey's eyes, a dagger had been shoved down his throat. He didn't feel pain, but he did feel dizzy and eventually collapsed, thinking he was dead. Huey watched as his terrified brother went limp and fell, this time being caught be Scrooge.

"I guess he wont be having dinner tonight." Scrooge said, Donald and Huey were tearing up, both hating the sight they had witnessed. Scrooge hated it too but he had to be strong for his family, so that they thought he had it all under control. He didn't want anyone to get hurt...

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