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Huey and Louie were chasing Bebby through the woods as fast as they could, Bebby giggling as they ran faster and faster. Suddenly, Bebby tripped and fell on their face. Huey used the chance to catch up and hold Bebby down while Louie caught his breath. Huey pinned Bebby to a tree, "What are you planning?!" He asked, looking Bebby dead in the eye. Bebby simply chuckled and responded, "Something big!" They tried to push Huey off of them again but Louie came in and helped pinning Bebby to the tree harder.

"You realize you're hurting your friend right?!" Bebby said with a smirk, "I may be in her body now but if she ever gets back in it she'll feel all the pain you caused and have all the wounds you inflicted!" Huey looked at Bebby and went pale. He then straightened his posture and replied, "She would be happier to be back in a wounded body with friends and family rather then be stuck alone perfectly healthy for the rest of her life." Louie nodded in agreement.

Bebby sighed and rolled their eyes, "Listen hot shot, I'm not revealing anything to you! Everything I'm planning is coming full circle and there's nothing you can do to stop me!!" Louie chuckled, "that's such a villain cliche! Trying to make us feel powerless with words when really every plan has a weak spot!" Bebby kicked Louie in the stomach, "There's your plans weak spot Green bean" They laughed. Huey gasped and immediately, out of instinct, went to check on Louie, "Oh my gosh, Louie are you ok?!"

Louie pointed at Bebby in a panic. Huey looked back realizing his mistake, and saw that Bebby was gone. They panicked and Huey helped Louie up as they ran through the woods. They ran, and ran, and ran, until Louie dropped on to the ground completely winded. "I-I can't g-go on.." he said, out of breath. Huey didn't notice or hear Louie since he was so focused on finding Bebby that he continued on faster then ever not noticing that Louie was gone.

They were separated, something Huey knew was never a good idea. He didn't know where either of his brothers were and was starting to feel depressed. "It's all my fault..." he shivered since it was a tad chilly, as his bottle of emotion started to pour, he remembered something he would regret for the rest of his life, something he had said that day,

"You know what! You guys are all going to get hurt real bad and when you do I'm going to point out how it could've been avoided if you had listened to the guidebook!!"

If only Huey had known how right he was. He wished he had never said that, he would've been able to stop Dewey. He should've physically gone up and stopped him instead of giving up and letting him go, and he did it all because of the stupid guidebook. Huey looked at the guidebook with hatred as he thought of all the times he had worshiped and praised it. Worshiping it was his own fault. He was the only one to blame. Huey opened the book and found a page stating, 'this Jr Woodchuck Guidebook belongs to Huey Duck'. Huey looked at his prized possession with hatred, this was what made him who he was, this is what made him the type of duck to abandon his loved ones in a situation that he could see was clearly dangerous. He ripped the page out of the book and shredded it to pieces. Huey opened the book. Seeing the new first page with the scout rules. He wasn't going to destroy the book, it had life skills that would help him protect his brothers; however, he was no longer the same duck. He walked on feeling like a new person, having gotten rid of the evidence of him being the one he was before.

He then saw Bebby, glaring at him with a devilish smirk. Bebby was holding a blue piece of fabric that seemed to have been ripped off of something. Huey recognized it immediately, Dewey's shirt. Huey ran at full speed, reaching for Bebby, hoping Dewey was there too. Bebby simply laughed and ran, teasing Huey with the blue tear. Huey ran faster reaching his hand out, eager to grab anything that he could to get Bebby. He ended up grabbing the bow in Bebby's hair. Unfortunately it came out. Huey realized that he had ran straight into a low tree branch it teared at his side and he dropped to ground. The bow fell and his shirt was ripped. Bebby walked up to Huey slowly, smirking. "Perfect" they dragged Huey away leaving a small patch of blood from his wound along with the tear from his shirt and Webby's bow.

From Blue to Yellow, Fear this Fellow - Ducktales - Gravity Falls - CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now