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(A/N Oh my word, I am so so so so so sorry for the wait!! I completely lost track of time!!)

Webby was watching over Dewey. She definitely didn't trust Mary, but was glad Dewey was being taken care of, for now at least. Webby was so worried about what Bill was doing in her body, but she couldn't go to check so she thought she could at least make sure Dewey's safe.

It had been a few days since she had been taken from her body, and she was rethinking everything she had learned in the books she read about demons and their powers. She looked down to see Dewey alone, he was packing a bag so that he could go outside and collect things. She didn't know why but she knew that he was probably oblivious to Bills plan and he was most likely contributing to it.

Webby then flew down towards a doll he was holding. It looked familiar, she then realized it was the doll she had in her room. Webby knew that he wouldn't have stolen the doll from her so Mary must have the same doll. Webby put her hand on the doll, well as best as she could. Her hand surprisingly didnt go through it went in the doll, she then saw the dolls hand move how her hand was moving and pieced the puzzle together. She possessed the doll, and tried to talk to Dewey. Unfortunately, Dewey stuffed the doll in the bag immediately and Webby's voice was blocked out.

Webby stopped possessing the doll and watched over him more, she didnt want to be inside of that dark stuffy bag. She decided she would possess the doll whenever he opened the bag or took it out.

Dewey snuck out the door, Mary was out getting groceries and she didn't allow him to go outside unless she knew he was fully healed. Which he wasn't, his arm was sorr whenever he held something and he could barely walk on his leg or even feel his foot. He had a makeshift pare of crutches; however that didn't stop him. Dewey was going to get back to his family no matter what. "Alright... you got this?" He said looking up, then remembering Webby wasn't there he said, "does a kanoblowmarian have wings?" "It does..." he sighed and sadly walked into the woods as best he could, missing his family dearly. Webby's heart shattered, she missed him too, or at least, talking to him. She would do anything to protect him and give him a pep talk while helping him with his adventure.

Dewey always thought being an only child would be fun, but he was lonely. He missed Huey reading the Jr. woodchuck guidebook and using his smarts to make everything easier and safer, he missed Louie remarking on everything and conning pedestrians. He would do anything to have his brothers back, he would do anything to have Webby back, he would do anything to have his uncles back, Launchpad, even Mrs. Beakley. He ventured through the woods, he sat and pulled out the list. Now he needed to find his way to the money bin, then he remembered that the money bin is inaccessible since its on a tiny island and you have to go through town to get to it. He sighed and decided to ask Bill for help, "B-Bill!" He yelled out, Webby watched as the world turned gray and Bill appeared, "Whaddaya want Bluey?" Bill asked, filing his nails. Dewey looked at him, "Well it says it wants a piece of a dead cursed creature and I dont know any dead cursed creatures other then the one buried in my uncles money bin... which I can't access." He said, Bill looked at him and made the filer disappear. "Why don't you ask your friend Flippy!" Dewey looked at Bill confused, "who's Flippy?" Bill laughed and disappeared.

Webby knew she was Flippy, Lena had called her that once. She realized that Bill had trapped her here to help Dewey with whatever he was doing... it would be easier with a body however. She looked at Dewey, she knew Dewey wouldn't side with Bill if he knew how dangerous and evil Bill really was. So she still trusted him, but she wanted to point him in the right direction.

Dewey looked at the map and thought of who Flippy was, "Flippy... Flippy?!" He grunted in frustration. He then saw Mary searching for him. He quickly packed the map away, and ran as best he could. It wasn't really a run more of him lunging forwards and tripping over himself multiple times while still managing to get away. He lost sight of Mary, assuming he was safe he sat down again, and opened his bag. He took out the map and examined it, trying to figure out where he was. Webby saw this as her chance and rushed for the doll. She possessed it and flew up in front of Dewey before yelling, "DEWEY!!" As loud as she could. Dewey looked up at the doll and screamed, "HOLY CRAP!!" He then backed away and ended up sliding and hitting his head on a rock.

He was in his mindscape again, with Bill. Dewey looked at Bill, shaken up. "Who was that?!" Bill cackled before responding, "That was Flippy!"

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