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   Donald marched through the woods fuming with anger. The steam leaving his ears began to tickle, which further upset him. He started throwing fits as he waddled farther into the overgrown forest. He heard a voice he recognized, it sounded like one of the boys. Donald broke into a run, he ran faster than he had ever run before. He rounded a corner, following the voice with precision. He jumped and leaped with more grace than a bear riding a unicycle. He finally reached his destination. Donald looked up and saw none-other than Huey, trapped inna net high up in a tree above a swamp of crocodiles.

Donald gasped as he readied his uncle powers of protection. He leaped onto a floating log, bounded onto the snout of a crocodile, grabbed a vine and swung like mother freaking Tarzan as he took out a pocket knife cut the net in mid-air grabbed Huey and landed safely on the ground. He then ran far back into the forest to avoid the crocodiles attacking.

Donald cradled Huey like a newborn baby and cried happy tears at the sight of his nephew. He was determined to keep all of them safe no matter what, for Della. He laid Huey on the ground gently, "Are you ok?" Donald asked. Huey nodded, still a bit shaken. "How did you find me? How did you do that Uncle Donald?!" Huey asked, to which Donald replied. "My Uncle senses were tingling." Huey, still short of breath, laughed a little before relaxing on the grass. "That was the coolest thing you've ever done Uncle Donald." Donald chuckled, "Thanks Huey." Donald and Huey hugged each-other tightly, happier to see each-other than they had ever been in their whole lives.

Donald grabbed Huey's hand, "We're going home." He said strictly. "Wait, Uncle Donald what about Dewey, Louie, and Webby?" Huey asked worriedly. "I'll come back for them after you're safely at the mansion." He replied. Huey looked upset, "But Uncle Donald-" "No Huey" Donald cut him off. Huey walked in front of Donald to stand his ground, "I'm their older brother, I want to help save them! I was with Louie and then I lost him! If anything happens to him it'll be my fault, I at least want to help find him, even if I die I'll know I was doing my best to save him." Donald looked at Huey heartbroken, "Huey it's not your fault." He began, "Yes it is! We were walking together, I'm the older sibling, I'm supposed to be responsible, I'm supposed to protect my brothers, I'm supposed to be the perfect role model, and if I fail it means I've failed as a brother." Donald looked down at his nephew, "I didn't know you were carrying all of that weight. Huey I'm sorry, nobody expects you to be perfect." Donald knew exactly how Huey felt, it was how he felt. He had to be the perfect uncle for Della, he had to keep her children safe, and he was failing, he needed to get Huey home, if anything else happened to him it would be Donalds fault for allowing Huey to stay. He was so torn over what to do

Huey hugged his uncle and cried into Donalds shoulder. "I just want my brothers back" he choked. "I know, I want them back too, more than anything." Donald looked down at his nephew, he knew how smart Huey was, he knew that putting his nephew in the Jr Woodchucks was a good decision, it meant that Huey had training in this sort of location. "You can stay Huey, you can help me find your brothers and Webby." Huey's eyes lit up instantly, as he hugged Donald way tighter causing Donald to not be able to breath. "Thanks so much Uncle Donald!!" Huey said as he practically leaped with joy, Donald smiled proudly at raising such a responsible and kind nephew "You're welcome, I love you Huey"  "I love you more" "I love you most".

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