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Soo here ya go
I uh
Hope u enjoy ._.)

Scrooge was pacing in his office.
He had just given Dewey the medication, and was wondering how to help him get all better. He was worried sick about his nephew and felt as though he couldn't handle any more stress. He sat in his chair and tried to see if he could think harder this way. But it was useless, the only way to heal his nephew was with something magical, and Scrooge hated magic. He didn't know what to do, and he felt terrible for it.

Huey, Louie, and Webby were all sitting in the living room. Huey and Louie were watching Ottoman Empire, while Webby was reading a book she had snuck out of Scrooge's library about curses. "Hey guys, maybe we should ask Dewey if he wants to watch this with us." Huey suggested. "You do it, I'm way to comfortable to move." Louie stated, eyes still attached to the tv. Huey sighed as he got up from the couch. "I can go look for him, I'm not that interested in the show anyways, I know you love it though." Webby suggested, getting up and leaving the room. "Well alright then." Huey said as he got back on the couch and relaxed.

Webby walked around the mansion searching for Dewey, "DEWEY!! DEWWWEEYYYYYY!!! DEWEY WHERE ARE YOU?!!" She yelled, as she tried to find the young duck, but with no luck. "Where could he be.." she pondered. Webby had been through every room in the house, yet still couldn't find him. She decided to look outside in the garden. Webby called out for Dewey, "Dewey!! DeWeY!! dEWeY!! DEWEYYY!!" She screamed, but with no luck did she find the young duck.

It was then that time stopped, The world was black and white, and a demonic laughter could be heard. Webby got into a fighting stance, ready to attack when the laughing maniac showed himself. It was then that Bill appeared, his eye open wide, as he looked down at the young duckling. "Bill." She said with an aggressive tone.

"Bing bing bing!! Hey there kid! Did ya miss me?!" Bill screamed, circling Webby. She held her stance, glaring at him. "Not one bit. What do you want?" She asked with a threatening tone. "Oh my! Why so serious?! And what I want from you is to stay QUIET!!!" Webby was confused, "Stay quiet?! What do you mean?!" She asked, worried now. "I have big plans sister, BIG PLANS!! And you better cover for Bluey or else I'll turn your world upside down, just like I did his!!" Bill, now using a threatening tone as well, laughed. "Wait what?! What did you do to Dewey?! Where is he?!!" Webby demanded, "Oh he's just fine!! He's just trapped in a place that he can't escape and could possibly die in!!" Bill laughed maniacally, Webby started tearing up, "How do I get him back?!" She asked, with a serious tone, "By staying out of it!" Bill stated like it was obvious.

"If you wanted me to stay quiet then why'd you tell me in the first place?!" Webby glared, she was glad she knew of course, but it didn't make sense. "Because, I know you would've figured it out anyways, and I needed someone to cover for him! Plus you're terrible at lying and I'll get to torture you once you screw it up!!!" Bill laughed once more, Webby was annoyed, she wasn't going to keep quiet, and she knew that this dream demon couldn't hurt her.

"I wouldn't be to sure about that!" Bill said, "what?" Webby asked, confused. "I can read your thoughts brainiac!! I will have you know I am very capable of torturing you without laying a finger on you, physically!!!" Bill laughed once more, Webby stared at him in shock, "you're evil.." she whispered under her breath. She was speechless at the realization that he could do to her what he did to Dewey. "That's to kind" Bill said.

Webby began to cry, "What do I have to do to save him... to make him all better..." she asked. She didn't know what to do, all she really wanted right now was for Dewey to be safe and healthy. "I have a few things in mind!" Bill cackled, "But first we need to make a deal!" Webby grew suspicious, "what do you mean a deal?" She asked, glaring at Bill. "We make a deal, you do what I ask, and Bluey will be perfectly safe and healthy at the end of it!!"

Webby wasn't falling for it, "Ok, Dewey will be safe, but what about everyone else I know and love?" She questioned, suspiciously. "You're smart, I like that!" Webby kept her glare, "I'm only doing a deal if it means, I don't have to hurt anybody physically, mentally, or emotionally. Also, nobody dies." She stated firmly. "That's ok by me!!" Bill yelled, "All you gotta do is shake my hand and the deal will be sealed!!" Bill held his hand out as it lit with a blue fire. Webby looked at his hand, then at him, "I'm not shaking your hand until you recite to me the rules of the deal" she glared, folding her arms. "Fine!! You're so difficult to deal with!! You have to do whatever I say as long as you dont hurt anybody you know and love, or kill anyone you know and love!" Bill said, a little annoyed.

Webby maintained her serious manner and held out her hand, praying that this was the right decision. Bill's eye widened as his hand grabbed ahold of hers aggressively. Webby winced from the tightness of his grip. Bills hand caught a blue flame. As it traveled up her hand and slightly up her arm, Webby started having second thoughts. Suddenly realizing the mistake she had made, she had read about an ability Dream demons have that she hadn't accounted for, and she was sure she was about to experience it.

Her body felt lighter, she couldn't feel the ground, and she was being pulled forwards. Frick. She looked at her hand, it was transparent.

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