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Dewey looked around, black, everything was black. It was like an empty void, nothing for miles. Dewey was scared, after what he had just seen he didn't know what was real.

"Am I dead?" He wondered before shaking his head. "No, no I'm not dead, then again I've never been dead before, so I don't know what happens when you die..." Dewey looked around, he screamed out for the one he desired to see most at the moment, the one being he knew could confirm the truth, "BILL!! BILL ARE YOU THERE?!" Bill. "BILL I NEED YOU! WHERE ARE YOU?!" Dewey screamed out, he was scared and alone.

Bill appeared, "Hey there kid! I see you've wound up in a nightmare! Here let me help you with that!" Bill snapped his fingers and Dewey was in the mindscape again. He looked around at the place Bill had set up, it looked just like the mansion.

Dewey hugged Bill crying, "So it was all a n-nightmare?"

"Actually most of it took place in real life, the void was your nightmare!" Bill said sharply.

Dewey let go of Bill, "Bill, I'm scared, what if this keeps happening for the rest of my life?" He sat down and rested his head on his knees.

Bill looked at him and replied, "I'll be with you through it all, don't worry Bluey. I'll ALWAYS be here!"

Dewey smiled and sniffled, he walked around the mansion, "This is surprisingly accurate! How do you know what the mansion looks like?"

Bill followed Dewey replying, "I may be in your head, but that doesn't stop me from being able to see what happens it real life! I can see what happens while not actually being there!"

"Oh that's neat!" Dewey said, before stopping at an occupied dining room, "wait, why are they here?" He asked.

"They aren't, this is what I mean by seeing what happens while not actually being there! We're in the mindscape and can view them while basically being ghosts!" Dewey walked up to Louie and tried to playfully slap him in the face, his hand went right through his brother.

"So this is all actually happening? And they don't have a clue I'm here?" Dewey asked amazed.

"Yup! Thats the beauty of it, you can basically do anything a ghost can do!" Bill stared at Scrooge and Webby, thinking, thinking about how they're the ones that know the most about beings like himself, and could interfere with his plans if they wanted to.

Dewey looked at Huey and got an idea, "can I possess anyone?" He asked willingly.

"you can possess any vessel that isn't occupied! So possessing your brother to scare him wont work unless he shakes your hand." Bill said. He was thinking of every way he could prevent another Sock Opera. Dewey frowned, then got another idea. He walked over to a sock and picked it up he slid it across the floor and crawled it up Hueys back.

Huey looked at his shoulder, saw a sock turn its front and look at him.

Huey let out the loudest, longest, girliest, most terrifying scream, anyone had ever heard, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!! WHAT IS THAT?! WHAT IS THAT?! WHATS HAPPENING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Huey screamed, running all around the room as the sock chased him.

"What on earth are you running from lad?!" Scrooge yelled as he watched his nephew run for his life, then he saw it, a little yellow sock chasing Huey by itself. "Bless me bag pipes! Huey get over here lad!!" Scrooge yelled, Huey came running towards Scrooge, who caught Huey in his arms. Scrooge set Huey in the chair and walked up to the sock whacking it with his cane.

To his surprise the sock let out an "OWW!!" Before going limp and returning to a normal sock.

Dewey held his red hand, "oooww Bill why did that hurt? I thought since I'm not awake I wouldn't feel pain!"

"That would be true, if you weren't possessing something. Sorry kid, I forgot to tell ya!" Bill quietly laughed as Dewey started crying from the pain.

"I-is there a-anything you can do to heal it?" Dewey asked tearfully.

"Sorry kid, no can do! I'm afraid that since you were hurt by it while possessing something your real body is hurt meaning that I can't heal you! But however I can make the pain go away while you're still asleep!" Bill snapped his fingers and Dewey couldn't feel any pain.

"Thanks Bill! You're the best!" Dewey thanked while wiping his tears. They chatted and played for a few more hours before Dewey started waking up. 

When Dewey woke up, he was startled by the sudden extreme pain in his hand that he fell off the bed. He landed on top of some legos, hand first. He let out a scream which alerted everyone else. Huey and Louie, who were asleep, woke up and turned on the lights, only to find their brother crying on the floor with his hand bleeding.

"Louie, I'll get uncle Scrooge, you stay here and help Dewey!" Huey yelled as he ran out of the room. Louie helped Dewey up onto a chair and then cleaned up the legos. Huey and Scrooge burst into the room.

"What happened?!" Scrooge asked as Dewey was choking on his sobs.

"I-I-I f-fell o-off t-t-the b-bed and o-onto s-some l-legos and I t-think m-my h-hand i-is b-b-b-broken!" Dewey said while holding his sore, red, bleeding hand.

Scrooge called his emergency private doctor again, arranged an appointment in a few minutes, picked up Dewey, and drove him to the money bin. Once there Scrooge ran in holding Dewey as he brought Dewey to the x-ray room. They x-rayed Dewey's hand, which was indeed broken. Dewey was given a cast to wear, and then asked to sleep over at the Money bin so that they could check and see if there were any other injuries from the oh so dangerous legos. Dewey fell asleep, to the delight of seeing Bill again so soon.

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