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   I walked into the hospital the next morning and walked into the residents' lounge. I saw April talking to Jackson and I walked over to them. 

   "Hey," I yawned. "Do you know if there are any traumas today?"

   "Don't know," Jackson shrugged. 

   "Hopefully though," April laughed. Jackson and I looked at her with confused looks. "What? I like a challenge."

   I changed into my scrubs, threw my hair into a high ponytail, and started to walk out of the lounge, just when my pager beeped. 'TORRES TRAUMA.'

   I ran out the door and down the hall, toward the back of the building. I got there just as Webber, Cristina, Lexie, and a few more doctors did. 

   "What do we have?" Webber asked Callie. 

   "A gas main blew in an apartment building," Callie informed us. "Five injured, some badly."

   "Excellent," Cristina said. We all looked at her and she quickly corrected herself. "Horrible. It's horrible. Sad."

   The ambulance arrived and paramedics rushed out.

   "Marla Kristler, 34-year-old female, abdomen blown out, skull fracture, third-degree burns over at least 40% of her body," the female paramedic filled us in, handing Webber the chart. 

   They rolled Marla out of the back of the ambulance on a gurney. Her body was covered in burns, just like she had said.

   "Okay, I've got this. Open O.R. two," Webber demanded. "Page Dr. Shepherd, Torres, triage the rest."

   "Yes, sir. Grey, you're with the chief. Go," Callie ordered me.

   "Oh, thank you," I replied. "Um, you and you, come with me." I pointed to two interns and the three of us hurried away. 

   "Uh, what about us?" one of the interns asked me. 

   I turned around to face them. 

   "Uh, go help Bailey in the clinic," I ordered, and then the two interns followed me inside. 

   Webber told me to fill out a chart, and as I was, I saw a nurse that was working with Dr. Kent, so I walked over to her. 

   "Tell Dr. Kent he has to find himself another O.R. The chief's taking his," I explained. 

   I took the chart I was filling out and headed up to O.R. one. I quickly scrubbed in and head into the O.R., where Webber and Derek were getting ready. 

   During the surgery, it was going well and we hadn't had any problems yet. 

   "Ah, yes. The joys of surgeondom," Derek joked. "Saving the lives for those who deserve it the most."

   "Tell Dr. Torres to follow exposure protocol for children," Webber demanded to Alex. "Tell her I am counting on her to take care of this."

   "Got it." Alex scurried out of the room.

   "Sure you don't want to page somebody to take over so you can go handle that?" Derek checked.

   "I'm trying to get back with my wife, Derek," Webber confessed. "In order to get back with my wife, I need to learn how to-"

   "Delegate," Derek interrupted.

   "Dr. Torres can handle this," Webber commented.

   After the surgery, I had been informed that Marla and her husband had been cooking crystal meth, which is how their child ended up in the hospital as well. 

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