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   I woke up next to Alex and he smiled at me. I smiled back and he kissed me. 

   "Good morning," he smiled. 

   "Good morning," I replied, with a happy sigh, as I looked at him.

   I looked down and realized that we were both naked and I laughed, which made him laugh as well.

   "Last night was..." I trailed off. 

   "Yeah," he chuckled. 

   I kissed him one more time before getting up and throwing on my clothes. He changed and we both went downstairs to see Mer, Derek, Lexie, Izzie, and George.

   "Why, good morning, lovebirds," Mer smiled. 

   "Could you guys keep it down next time?" Izzie rolled her eyes. 

   "Yeah, seriously," Lexie added. "Some of us have to work."

   "We all do, Lexie," I remarked, sitting down next to Alex. 

   After breakfast, I drove in Alex's car as we headed off to the hospital. Once we pulled up, my pager went off. 'TRAUMA, TORRES'.

   "I have to go," I said to Alex, getting out of the car and slamming the door. 

   I kissed him and ran into the hospital. I quickly changed into my scrubs and ran toward trauma bay, throwing my hair up. 

   "What took you so long?" Callie asked. I breathed. "And why are you out of breath?"

   "I was in the parking lot when you paged," I breathed some more. "So, I ran."

   The ambulance arrived and out came a paramedic pushing a lady on a gurney toward us. Callie gestured for me to go with her and I quickly walked next to the gurney. 

   "Jodie Crowley, sixty-year-old driver who lost consciousness and hit a parked car. Vital signs stable. Complains of abdominal pain."

   "It wasn't a parked car. It was them. They hit us," a man with an arm sling claimed, following the gurney.

   "Uh, sir, who are you?" I asked.

   "Who am I? Who are you?" he sassily replied as we got to Jodie's room. I stopped to look at him. 

   "He's my son," Jodie cut in.

   "Why don't we go in the waiting room?" I tried to touch his arm and he flinched, jerking his arm away from me.

   "Oh, no. He needs to stay with me," Jodie pleaded. "He's a paranoid schizophrenic."

   "Okay," Callie sighed, continuing to push Jodie into her room. 

   We entered the room and put her gurney next to another gurney. 

   "Alright," Callie started. "Let's put her on the gurney, on my count." We all put our hands underneath Jodie so we could lift her. "One... two... three."

   We lifted Jodie onto the gurney as carefully as we could without hurting her. Her son stood beside her.

   "Listen to me, mom," he whispered. "They're trying to get to me through you. You have to believe me."

   "Tom, they're not real," Jodie responded. "Look at me. Look at me, honey." 

   Callie and I glanced at each other with confused facial expressions, before I finally turned to Jodie again. 

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