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   "I don't know if you can hear me, but it's Alex. I'm so sorry this had to happen to you. You don't deserve any of this. If anything, it should have been me. I've been an ass since day one of working here. Why did it have to happen to the most innocent girl I've ever known? If you can hear me, I just wanted to say goodbye. You're probably not going to wake up, and we'll probably have to end your life support... but I don't want you to be scared. I'm going to be here for you every step of the way." He stopped, but then continued. "I'm in love with you, Melonie. Ever since I met you, I knew I loved you. I just wish I would have gotten the chance to tell you that. I love you."

   I could hear everything that was happening around me; the beeping, the doctors frantically walking through the halls, people coming in an out of my room, and Alex's little speech. Many other people came in and we're talking to me, thinking that I couldn't hear them, like Jackson, Meredith, Lexie, and April. Even Cristina came in to talk to me for a little bit. None of their speeches were as heart felt as Alex's though. 

   I could hear Alex sobbing and tears falling onto my limp arm. I wanted to squeeze his hand to let him know everything was okay, but I couldn't move anything. 

   I tried hard to open my eyes, but I couldn't. I knew what a coma was, but now that I've experienced one, I had a lot more sympathy for people who have to go through this everyday. 

   "Please wake up," Alex begged. "Please. I can't lose you. You have two sisters, best friends, you're an incredible surgeon, and I love you. Please."

   I tried so hard to move, but nothing was working. My mind was wide awake, but my body wasn't. 

   If that stupid paramedic hadn't pushed me off the side of the building, I wouldn't be in this position. I hope he feels as much pain in his heart as I feel in my body.

   Honestly, I shouldn't even be alive right now. It's rare for people to survive a fall that high. I'm considered lucky, but I didn't feel lucky. I hurt like hell and it sucked not being able to talk to Alex. Not being able to talk to anybody. Not being able to move anything. It all sucked.



   I was making my way out of the residents' lounge and on my way toward trauma bay, not being able to think of anything other than my sister who was laying in a hospital bed.

   It was yesterday that the incident happened and she still hadn't woken up. If she doesn't wake up by tomorrow, we have to end her life support so she doesn't suffer anymore. 

   As I approached trauma bay, I couldn't even get my trauma gown on before gurneys started coming in one by one. I quickly put my trauma gown and gloves on, running for a trauma room that needed help. 

   I ran into one with a man and a woman laying on their gurneys with Alex checking on the man. 

   "You need me?" I asked him. 

   "Uh, yeah, just check her chart." He pointed to the woman.

   The chart told me everything I needed to know. I started to check her vitals to make sure their stable.

   "Can she have some water, please?" the man asked me. 

   "I'm afraid she can't," I replied.

   "I'm-" the woman tried. "Emile, stop." She turned to face me. "My husband and I have been going to Grandinetti's for fifteen years, every Friday night."

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