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   My alarm went off at 5:30am the next morning. I went to put my arm around Alex, but my arm just hit a pillow next to me instead. I looked around the room, but my boyfriend was no where to be found. Maybe he was called to work early.

   I took a quick shower before heading down for breakfast. Mer, Derek, Jackson, and Lexie were sitting in the kitchen. 

   "Where's April?" I asked, sitting down next to Lexie and taking an apple from the fruit bowl.

   "I don't know. Maybe she's not awake yet," Lexie shrugged. 

   "She's gonna be late for work," I realized. "I'll wake her up."

   I walked back up the stairs to April's room, and knocked on the door before entering without waiting for a response. 

   "Hey, Ap-" I stopped.

   The sight I saw before me was what made my heart break into a million pieces. I saw Alex laying on top of April. They were making out, but both were fully clothed, thank God. 

   They both looked at me with wide eyes.

   "Melonie-" April tried, but I walked out, slamming the door behind me.

   I ran down the stairs, grabbed my keys, and ran out the door, and into my car. My eyes were starting to fill with tears as I pulled out of the driveway and saw Alex run out, but he was too late because I was already gone. I just wanted to go to work and do what I love.

   As soon as I got to the hospital, I walked in and wiped the tears from my eyes. Callie walked over to me. 

   "Hey, so-" She stopped and looked at me. "Have you been crying?"

   "N-no, I'm fine," I lied, wiping the rest of my tears. "What do you need?"

   "U-um..." She shook her head, as if she was shaking thoughts away. "Hurry up and get to trauma bay."

   I ran to the residents' lounge and got my scrubs on, then headed toward trauma bay, where Callie was waiting for me.

   She tied my gown and I snapped on my gloves, trying to get the image of Alex and April out of my head.

   "So, how are things with you and Alex?" Callie asked, trying to start conversation.

   "They're... good," I lied, for the second time this morning. 

   "Are you seriously not going to tell me why you were crying this morning?" she asked.

   "Look, I'm here to save lives, I'm not here for therapy," I replied. "Thank you for caring so much, but I'm fine."

   Before she could reply, the ambulance showed up. 

   "Trina Paiz, 27, stable. Only complaint is a lacerated ear. Pretty amazing considering she fell 100 feet into a ravine. Apparently, her husband broke her fall," the paramedic warned us as another ambulance came by and Owen and Miranda got it.

   "Jason!" Trina screamed to her husband that was on the other stretcher. "Is he okay?"

   "Grey, take her to trauma two," Callie instructed, so I did so.

   "Please. He has to be okay. He has to be okay," Trina whimpered.

   After checking her vitals, I took Trina to the exam room and got her some scans.

   "Okay, Trina, do you know where you are?" I asked her.

   "A hospital in S-Seattle," Trina stuttered. "I-I don't know the name. I'm not from here. I'm here on my honeymoon." She looked at me. "My God, my husband..."

code blue // melonie ann greyWhere stories live. Discover now